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Electronic_Big_5403 t1_j6g5o6x wrote

  1. Take advantage of any company investment matching you can as early as possible. This will help grow your money faster than you can imagine. It’s my biggest regret for the last 20 years. I literally left thousands of dollars on the table.

  2. Save your money. Only take on debt if it will get you an asset that will grow (an education with a solid career path, a house.)

  3. Build good habits. It’s so much easier than trying to break a bad one. Eat right. Exercise. Take care of your teeth and your knees.

  4. Wear sunscreen.

  5. Experiences are SO much better than stuff. Travel. See a play. The brands you buy won’t make you a more interesting person. The cool stuff you’ve done will.

  6. Acknowledge your privileges and use them to give back to people who are not so fortunate.

And, most importantly, Don’t be a D*ck. Be as good and kind a person as you can be.