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OhMyHippo t1_j3l49ce wrote

Do chores in small doses. I do 20-25 minutes of chores everyday. I turn on a podcast, set a timer, and once the timer goes off I stop. The only exception is I finish the chore I'm on when the timer goes off (e.g. if I'm folding laundry, finish that chore instead of leaving the other half for the next day).

At first it won't feel like you accomplished a whole lot, but once you get into the routine of doing it everyday, it all adds up and you'll notice everything is much more manageable rather than becoming large projects that have piled up over time. It really helps to keep my anxiety about chores to a minimum, I feel like I accomplished something, and it doesn't feel like a total drain spending hours cleaning. Just remember it requires getting into a routine and you may need to set reminders to hold yourself accountable.


JKdriver t1_j3pr3n8 wrote

Yesss the timer! It makes chores fun af for me.

Here’s what I use:

I’ll put that on, and see how much I can get done in that 10 minutes. It counts off each minute, so it becomes a sort of challenge.