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Evening-Chance7906 t1_j3l6h19 wrote

Do it first before any recreational activity.

Play some music while you do them or an audio book.

Buy something to make the chore easier. Something more convenient for you the chore master.

If you enjoy one chore more than another make sure you do the less desirable chore first.

Chores suck (the bad ones anyway) but you feel better when they are done. Remember that. Otherwise you sit in guilt about not doing something you feel should have been done.


amberwench t1_j3p9dez wrote

>Buy something to make the chore easier. Something more convenient for you the chore master.

I've seen the timer dice- it looks like a 6 sided die where each side has a different preset time limit- and want one so bad. I can just... roll it... and whatever time limit it gives me will be how long I work on that chore. And if I feel up to more when the timer is up I can always *roll it again*. It makes the D&D geek in me happy.