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myfavoriteflame t1_j6an46f wrote

So where should I shop for these things?


oooriole09 t1_j6aqzjk wrote

Hardware store at 30% more.

I also find it really difficult to believe that name brand tools compromise with plastic gears solely to sell a SKU at HD. Not only does it not make logistical sense, it doesn’t make branding sense.


RichDAiLLesT1 t1_j6awjac wrote

Plot twist OP owns a B&M hardware store and a HD opened up right next to them.


SomehowGonkReturned t1_j6asdoi wrote

If you can find a better quality product at a hardware store then definitely get it, even if it costs 30% more.

The best case scenario of a tool failing is that you lose time having to replace a tool. My uncle lost an eye because his cheap Lowes nailgun backfired and passed right through his cheap Lowes safety goggles


Stryker2279 t1_j6d3yib wrote

I kinda feel like thats more an indictment of his shit safety glasses than the tool. Tools fail all the time (at least, drill bits fail) and send shit flying, but the glasses need to be able to stop it.


sharlaton t1_j6dne68 wrote

Holy shit, that’s terrifying. Lowes should pay him in damages.


Smallios t1_j6ax0xz wrote

Locally our ACE is much better. Even their customer service is better.