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harley9779 t1_j6az4m1 wrote

Same manufacturer, different part number.

You're not wrong, just lacking context. Most people can't afford, or don't want to pay for quality items. They want what they need for the lowest price possible.

Big box stores cater to these people. They stock the lower quality items. They also stock higher quality items, but either in lesser quantities or by special order.


DroolingSlothCarpet t1_j6b3mwv wrote

This is correct. One can purchase high-quality tools at both of those stores and one can purchase budget tools.

Just like a car at a Chevy dealership.


GoodAsUsual t1_j6caoyg wrote

I have definitely found this to be true at both Walmart and Costco, and heard lots of logical reasoning for it. I recently started shopping at a big local / non chain hardware store in my area and hand down same brand / selection of products seem to be better quality 10/10 times. Anecdotal for sure, but between the lousy quality of stuff and the lousy / nonexistent help I get, I don’t shop there unless I have to.