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swishphish1 OP t1_j6lrbf6 wrote

I appreciate your concern for him, and I don’t want to sound like I’m blowing off your advice, but we have tried that with no success. I’ve offered to try and help with his technique/strategy, but he just blows me off and falls back into the same “I suck” mentality.

I guess I’m asking for more confrontational advice, because trying to change his outlook hasn’t worked. I think he really needs to hear how it affects others. Any thoughts on that question? Thanks again btw


brbqqueen t1_j6mjzvb wrote

No no it’s okay! Being in the situation you know more about what’s going on. I have definitely met people like that. And it is a different rodeo. I appreciate you enlightening me!

I think you are right. He does need to know!

I have a parent who is a narcissist/egotistical. And sometimes it’s an endless battle. With my situation at least. Do what feels right and especially for your mental health. Just know when to choose your sanity.

I wish you luck and hope everything works out!