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bucketface31154 t1_j6j8epn wrote

Yeah man, black bears are pretty chill just do some bear safety online and be mindful and away you go


MJowl t1_j6j9cp4 wrote

Don't hike silently, make some noise so as not to startle wildlife. They don't want to see you either! Brown bears are the ones to worry about anyhow.


Informal_Ad3771 t1_j6jzv4p wrote

Exactly. I always take an air horn and some fire crackers with me when I hike. I never have to worry about nasty wildlife and my dogs have learnt to tolerate the insane noise levels.


PrisonerV t1_j6jashg wrote

Hike with bear spray and a loud bell.

If you're a smaller person, paint eye balls on the back of your hat.


ProfessionalStart9 t1_j6j8bpk wrote

They might mug you but aside from that you’ll be fine


acquavaa t1_j6j92rn wrote

Depends on how fast you can bike


Big-Sleep-9261 t1_j6jnfps wrote

If you run into a black bear, consider it your job to scare it off. The ones that attack people are the ones that have lost their fear of people. Don’t try to be their friend, it could lead to them losing their fear and having to be put down by a park ranger. Also, usually ear tags are given only during an incident. If they have two ear tags, they’re basically one incident away from being put down.


Huuuiuik t1_j6ka13a wrote

Always hike with someone who can’t run as fast as you.


Grizzly_Addams t1_j6kzuil wrote

You'll probably survive, but you might not.


keepthetips t1_j6j7jys wrote

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ricardo9505 t1_j6j9mmy wrote

In video games they're usually pretty timid so you should be good. Lol. Jk, I wouldn't without a gun. Or cans of bear mace. Cans. Plural. One claw swipe could render you unable to walk. Then you're really fuucked if u have no reception.


blizzWorldwide t1_j6lnpzg wrote

Yeah. Bear spray is reassuring. And like others said, if you do come across one, make plenty of noise. A lot of hikes I carry a stick and bang it against trees. I came across a black bear once in my life. It was eating leaves off of a tree. I made a ton of noise and eventually it slowly meandered away.


Erulastiel t1_j6ja89v wrote

Black bears are chicken shits. Don't corner them or go near their babies and they'll typically run away from you.


mr3vak t1_j6jf74i wrote

I have done it many times. My rules are simple. 12ga pump with slugs, 44mag, big ass knife, my “oh shit” kit and a solid means of communication if things go south and you need out quit. A dog can help too as they will smell them often times before you see them.