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keepthetips t1_j5c5q4k wrote

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WaterChi t1_j5c6fby wrote

Or, you know, just do your job and stop trying to game the system.


MtPollux t1_j5c7l7o wrote

I'm glad you don't work for me.


Toothfairy29 t1_j5c81ch wrote

Bold of you to assume everyone gets to choose their lunch breaks


incasesheisonheretoo t1_j5cj1ng wrote

If you have that kind of control over your work schedule, a better tip is to go in well before everyone else. I go in at 6 and leave at 3. Most people, my boss included, don’t get in until 8 or 9- which gives me a couple of hours in peace before the emails and meeting requests start rolling in. Even better, by the time they arrive and are just getting situated, I’m already in gear looking like I’m a much higher performer than I really am lol. They don’t know that I was taking it easy for those first couple of hours that no one else was there.


SeveranceZero t1_j5drjch wrote

OP is saying take your 1 hour lunch 30 minutes before your boss starts their lunch. That way you can steal an extra 30 minutes of “lunch” because your boss isn’t back for another 30 minutes after your lunch ends, so they won’t notice you not working.

As with 99% other LPT, this isn’t actually a LPT. OP is just being a shitty employee.


Scuka1 t1_j5dtwss wrote

What do you mean "relax whilst boss finishes off their break"?

What does your boss do? Stand behind you with a whip as you do your work?


Ok_Bell_4090 t1_j5e2p32 wrote

In Germany you are required by law to take a 30min break after working for 6 hours. Most people take a lunch break 12-1pm and it’s well respected where people don’t put meeting in or anything. It’s unpaid though


alvaromateu t1_j5e2ubs wrote

Most times I go after my boss, and everyone else for that matter


YUNoSignin t1_j5e3ilp wrote

I was here thinking 'to feign productivity' or some shite, but no, it's to do nothing


ufaklik11 t1_j5e4wxh wrote

Another 15mins are required (so in total 45mim) if you work more than 8 hours in the day. Personally I don't like that law because it's a mandatory, yet unpaid break. I can see the idea behind it for physically hard working jobs but in my job I can just eat and chill while working because the work is chill, too.


Ephendril t1_j5e6umx wrote

LPT: if you worry about these situations, change job


Heisenberg_235 t1_j5e7lpi wrote

LPT: don’t work in a job where you’re boss sits around laying strict attention to what people do minute by minute.


darkcitrusmarmelade t1_j5e87dl wrote

I usually have my lunch break together with my boss, we have some good conversations while eating and then we both return to work when we need to (because i don't work at a toxic workplace).


bestaflex t1_j5e8bpo wrote

Works for holidays, never take the same as your boss... Twice the holiday!


HonkyBoo t1_j5ebvbi wrote

Without sounding too obvious, I think the boss definitely does not stand behind him or her with a whip. But I’m in a similar situation, I work in a small office and when my boss isn’t around the professionalism definitely slows down a bit. A nice change of pace.


incasesheisonheretoo t1_j5eqqhn wrote

This is one of the reasons people love WFH so much. My boss has no idea what I’m doing throughout the day. As long as my output reflects 40 hours worth of work each week, they don’t know (nor probably even care) when and how long my lunch is. It’s also the reason a lot of bad bosses hate WFH- they can’t micromanage an employee’s time as easily (unless it’s a job where you’re on camera or the phone all day).


letsmeetupat420 t1_j5esx2n wrote

Me and my coworkers call this lunch number one and lunch number two.


csbbacsob t1_j5evfyk wrote

Heck yeah. I do this too and it is a game changer. I get there an hour before everyone else , tidy up the office, brew some nice herbal tea, read something positive. Get my head in the right space and make a list of the day’s actionable items.

And I leave an hour earlier too, which is awesome cuz I wake up at like 0500. So by mid afternoon I’m used up and right about that time is when I generally split.


incasesheisonheretoo t1_j5ewbqh wrote

Yep! And I typically get to avoid rush hour by leaving earlier, saving me another 30+ minutes of sitting in traffic. I also get to utilize OP’s tip because my lunch break is an hour before everyone else’s. So when I come back from mine, most of them are leaving for theirs and I get some more time to myself.


Snacksmcgee07 t1_j5exoxb wrote

If you have to think of ways to relax around your boss, get another job. This aint right.


PsychoEngineer t1_j5f2ciy wrote

Be careful with this though… leaving earlier than everyone else can carry negative impressions as well. It’s a high wire balance to achieve of coming in and leaving times such that the perception (which is all that matters) isn’t negatively effected.


incasesheisonheretoo t1_j5fxv5x wrote

Good point! My boss’s perception is the only one that matters (in my situation), and he can see what time I got there and should expect me to leave before everyone else. But I’ve also worked at places where your advice applies because coworkers started getting resentful watching me leave 2 hours before them every day- even though I got there 2 hours before them.