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Khalme t1_j4k4z5h wrote

Careful with this. People in toxic relationships will gaslit themselves into thinking their abusive partner is caring.


KcLKcL t1_j4kdwg9 wrote

Honestly IMO OP's tip is a double edged sword and one need to look at the bigger picture of their own's condition to reach a conclusion


number31388 t1_j4k45ss wrote

OP never met my family.


number31388 t1_j4keq9r wrote

Y'all need to lay off the down votes. You've never met my family either.


Liising t1_j4kiw2r wrote

At some point you will no longer need them in your life. At that point you can consider limiting contact. Don't worry about what people think, sometimes it's necessary for your wellbeing.


sal696969 t1_j4k2ssc wrote

Sadly not true for everybody....


bk15dcx t1_j4k3uoy wrote

Yeah. This is a quest many will not complete, for the treasure does not exist


runningdreams t1_j4k745i wrote

I love myself, love my life, blah blah...but I see some flaw with this LPT somehow some way. Feel guilty? Abundance of love? Caught up in own head? It was always there? These are so broad and absolutely not the case for so many folks. It seems to belittle some actual IRL issues.


ArianneOakheart t1_j4k6h23 wrote

>Train yourself to immediately start recognizing every instance of care shown towards you

How do I do this?


Crotchless_Panties t1_j4kbltw wrote

I have found that it is easier and safer to just avoid people, as none of them have ever rewarded me with anything.

To the contrary, I have in-fact received more than my fair share of abuse, neglect, and absolute fuckery any time I have ever been around people.

No thanks!


kratered- t1_j4kfkm7 wrote

Either you hang out with the wrong people, or you act in some way which leads them to being annoying to you. Life can be very positive if you make it, and friends can multiply that positivity 10 times, good luck


Crotchless_Panties t1_j4onpan wrote

Ya... It's gotta be a problem with me. You know...because other people can't be creepy and evil.

Thank you for letting me know. I'll steer clear of you too! 👍


lilaliene t1_j4kdwkn wrote

When i come downstairs, my kids will ask if i want coffee. They know i love coffee, my 5yo can make it even exactly how i like it. My husband has made breakfast and a to go lunch, and takes care of the kids going to school. I just listen to a few stories about dreams, drawings and what they are going to do in school the coming day. Then i go to work.

When i get home, the kids know to let me go out of the hallway (to take off my jacket and shoes) before they can hug and jump on me and tell stuff they are excited about. My eldest will ask what i want to drink (wine, water, soda) and dinner is ready on the table. My husband gets a hugg and kiss and i ask him how he is doing. I ask the kids during dinner, turn based, how their day was. My eldest has ADHD so this way everyone can tell.

Then i go do a few chores my disabled husband cannot do, like laundry. He gets the kids ready for bed. I tell them a story. And then downtime.

It's a day of being cared for and caring for.


Randomusername7294 t1_j4kc1hp wrote

Be pathetically grateful for the bare minimum anyone offers you. Feel guilty about not previously appropriately grateful.

OP clearly hasn't been in any abusive relationships. This is the absolute worst advice you could give someone in that case.


FreeFeez t1_j4kd35m wrote

This is probably these absolute WORST lpt I’ve ever seen. This advice will get you taken advantage of 24-7.


Catmom2004 t1_j4k9adr wrote

I am glad this is true for OP, but it is rarely true for me, tbh.


dreadhawkpunk t1_j4ka7nh wrote

With the amount of people coming from abusive homes/relationships, I don't think this LPT would apply to half the population. This tip feels disingenuous at best, ignorant at worst.


Cheery_Deery t1_j4jznm6 wrote

I love this. Care is shown and received in so many different ways. The more you recognize even the smaller gestures, the brighter the world seems.


EnycmaPie t1_j4kf58t wrote

Toxic positivity. This is how people stay in abusive relationships and never become emotionally healthy.


usermaen1 t1_j4k34q9 wrote

Seems harder esp in today’s age where you’re constantly reminded to always be on guard


AccomplishedDrag9882 t1_j4kcktz wrote

it's called gratitude

”Gratitude, thankfulness, or gratefulness is from the Latin word gratus, which means "pleasing" or "thankful." Is regarded as a feeling of appreciation by a recipient of another's kindness"


luder888 t1_j4kdjus wrote

I have a beachfront property in Arizona to sell you.


allrollingwolf t1_j4kf5wx wrote

lol, this is a real rosy look at things. A lot of people don't have people around them that care.


mrheadhopper t1_j4kfc98 wrote

This implies people care about you in the first place, which is uhh not so likely haha


Lazylions t1_j4kfjzv wrote

And for gods sake the other way around. Some people will suck all your goodwill/love out of you, and in some instances try to lock you from showing it to other people around you, only to get all of it themselves


Johnyryal3 t1_j4kg1c0 wrote

I think most people already do. Unless your a narcissist. You should post this in /shittytipsfornarcissists


ColonelJohn_Matrix t1_j4khgto wrote

Reads a bit like a 'pull yourself together' post, akin to "just go for a walk if you're depressed".


keepthetips t1_j4jypxl wrote

Hello and welcome to r/LifeProTips!

Please help us decide if this post is a good fit for the subreddit by up or downvoting this comment.

If you think that this is great advice to improve your life, please upvote. If you think this doesn't help you in any way, please downvote. If you don't care, leave it for the others to decide.


manofmystry t1_j4kesap wrote

I'm 58. I've just realized this is so true. Learn faster than I did.