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keepthetips t1_j5oooyb wrote

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BitsAndAss t1_j5op1lf wrote

And this is why we can't have nice things.


Jaded_Prompt_15 t1_j5op74u wrote

We already know this, even if it's not explicitly known by everyone.

Pretty much everything you read is going to be written at a sixth grade level, because it's written to the lowest common reading level

The bad part is people overestimate their own abilities


BigVariation3 t1_j5or18e wrote

I played Trivial Pursuit with my partner’s niece and nephew over Christmas. They had trouble pronouncing many bigger words. They’re 20 and 16. I think it’s a couple of things; because of the internet kids don’t read for pleasure as much growing up, or at all. Also, the pandemic stalled their in class learning for a couple years.


threat024 t1_j5orpx2 wrote

It blew my mind that a friend who had a college degree and had been in the military could barely count or add. We were playing blackjack and he literally had to count the symbols on cards to figure out how much he had in his hand. I think it's so easy to cheat your way through school now that people aren't learning basic skills.


No_Bend8 t1_j5ouoa4 wrote

An 18 year old I know, could not add 4 hours to 6pm and kept saying 9pm. Lol


mjr4189 t1_j5oxnvk wrote

Don’t think this is much of a pro tip.


Voodoops_13 t1_j5p27nz wrote

This is why it's so easy for dumbasses to sit in front of Fox News and the internet being hand-spooned conspiracy theories. None of them can read (nor comprehend) actual information and statistics. They just run on a mix of ignorance and manipulated rage.


Flair_Helper t1_j5shk56 wrote

Hello LocalChamp, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason:

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