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dilligaf6304 t1_j6h2i6c wrote

It’s okay to be short


genericrich t1_j6j5iyv wrote

I am 6'4" and let me tell you, it ain't easy. Some highlights:

  • "Do you play basketball? You should play basketball" - heard that for years and years.
  • Finding clothes that fit sucks. It's hard.
  • Air travel is a nightmare or very expensive.

Plus, tall men die earlier than short men. So, that sucks too!


vegaspimp22 t1_j6hr6ce wrote

As someone who isn’t tall thanks for saying that but when half the dating profiles I see these days have girls saying must be 6’ or taller it’s super discouraging for us.


Any_Monitor5224 t1_j6ht8h4 wrote

My husband is 5’7 and sexy as hell. Dating is a shit show and there’s definitely a bias Re: men/height and women/weight.

Just remember that you are not for everyone and everyone is not for you. And that’s ok bc you really only need to meet that one person who you vibe and connect with.

Don’t let the size queens get you down. Someone that shallow isn’t worth your time anyways


Available-Summer-340 t1_j6lkx22 wrote

A man or a woman can lose fat. I get some people are built bigger etc but you can lose weight. However, you can’t control your height. Your weight is directly affected by your choices however height is just random.


Any_Monitor5224 t1_j6mcrtv wrote

Not always. Especially for women. There are hormonal disorders and other things that affect weight. PCOS for example makes it very hard to lose weight


ericds1214 t1_j6hyyzb wrote

That's a great way to sort out the shallow people you wouldn't want to date anyways


PocketFullofSouls t1_j6itbl6 wrote

I have seen this maybe a handful of times…it’s more important to have a pretty face and an “exciting” profile. Beyond that do you really want someone like that? Discard the ones who make a list of requirements, ask for social media follows, or make their politics their whole identity. Have some self respect. Trust.


condor1985 t1_j6j12u8 wrote

What people say they want vs what they'll accept are two very different things


sunfries t1_j6j24oo wrote

Why would you want garbage girls anyway?


3TriscuitChili t1_j6jdds5 wrote

That's not someone you'd be happy with even if you were taller than 6' so don't worry about it.


goth_hippy t1_j6mwmn4 wrote

Get you a tall lady!! Two very good friends of mine are a 5'2" man and a 6'0" woman. They're super *social and go out a lot, so he does get occasional comments from (usually) men picking on him for being shorter than his partner. Luckily he's very quick witted and has developed a thick skin about it. He finds a way to turn it around into a brag on himself, or picks on them for placing their insecurities on his situation.

Edit: said suicidal, meant social LMAO


vegaspimp22 t1_j6mwtxt wrote

I totally would. I’m confident enough to handle that I think. There are some super sexy tall women out there too.


goth_hippy t1_j6mxjm6 wrote

I agree with that. Always makes me happy when I see a confident couple like that.


villagewinery t1_j6nbacg wrote

I real life women have zero ability to discern height. If you're taller than they are you're good. Most women are barely 5' to 5'3.

My wife thought I was 6 feet tall or maybe 5'11. I'm 5'9. She learned my height about 29 years after we were married.


pungyou t1_j6kb7kz wrote

ffs anything above 5'0 isn't short.