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goth_hippy t1_j6mwmn4 wrote

Get you a tall lady!! Two very good friends of mine are a 5'2" man and a 6'0" woman. They're super *social and go out a lot, so he does get occasional comments from (usually) men picking on him for being shorter than his partner. Luckily he's very quick witted and has developed a thick skin about it. He finds a way to turn it around into a brag on himself, or picks on them for placing their insecurities on his situation.

Edit: said suicidal, meant social LMAO


vegaspimp22 t1_j6mwtxt wrote

I totally would. I’m confident enough to handle that I think. There are some super sexy tall women out there too.


goth_hippy t1_j6mxjm6 wrote

I agree with that. Always makes me happy when I see a confident couple like that.