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keepthetips t1_j6h1eol wrote

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mhavas703 t1_j6h23x3 wrote

Height is mainly genetic. What you're doing is fine and just stay healthy.

Not everyone grows at the same age either. I had a friend who really grew tall after high school and that happens. Since you're 15, I wouldn't worry about it that much.


slumberfist t1_j6h2wxo wrote

Eat lots of protein and carbs and exercise

Edit: and lots of sleep


GenTelGuy t1_j6h4lb9 wrote

Messi got some growth hormone treatments but odds are that's only because he needed it as an athlete and was pretty far below average height. It doesn't add that much height either

Odds are better to just be cool with the superior lifespan and knee/back health that shorter/average people have


lifeaintsocool t1_j6h4nnz wrote

While there's not a ton you can do if it isn't in your genetic cards, the biggest thing you can do is make sure you eat a healthy and balanced diet and exercise. Lots of protein and greens to make sure you have the building blocks to grow. Most people get another little growth spurt between 17 and 21 so you've got a bit more time.


Bitter-Heat-8767 t1_j6h5mdl wrote

Instead of trying to change your body focus on loving yourself for you. It's not easy but to truly feel comfortable in your own skin is powerful and freeing. Everyone has things they don't like about their body too, so just own your shit and say this is me, bitches. Also, just be a great person. So much more important than looks and you have full control over it. Oh and lastly, all my kick ass friends are short.


BDOKlem t1_j6h5s9l wrote

I was like 5'8 early fourteen and 6'4 at mid fifteen. You never know, suddenly it pops.


lumberjackpat19 t1_j6h7hi0 wrote

a friend of mine got injections and they didn't work. They are really expensive apparently


Zedman5000 t1_j6hbrkw wrote

I'm 6'1 and at least half a foot taller than both my parents.

Got any other biological family who are tall? I wound up around my uncles' heights instead of my parents'.


StarrySunflower714 t1_j6hdi8v wrote

If you’re female that’s pretty much average for an adult. If you’re a male you’ll likely keep growing until you’re like 20. Either way you will never grow taller than your DNA says you will. If being short is your biggest concern you have a pretty amazing life so I’d stop worrying.


MathematicianSad4630 t1_j6hdm4z wrote

Only way is to take growth hormone but that might still not work dont belive anything people here are telling you


GardenLeaves t1_j6hhgnz wrote

Getting a good amount of sleep (8-9 hours) and a good diet (I’m not too sure on which nutrients but maybe you can do some research from your school databases) usually helps with growing your body. I’ve also heard that you don’t want to get into weight lifting (or at least excessively) too early or the energy your body intakes will go towards muscle growth rather than other features like your height.


Scrungyscrotum t1_j6hi6od wrote

You can't grow taller than your genetics allow, but you can take measures to ensure that you don't grow shorter than your full potential. Eat properly, sleep properly, and work out regularly. There are no magic solutions, so spare your elbows and avoid hanging from a bar for no reason.


CaliTheSloth t1_j6hinqb wrote

Height is mostly genetics, just eat healthy to max out your potential


PossibleNovel3454 t1_j6hl4gu wrote

Staying healthy brings out your potential. Sleep at least 6 hours, do some exercise, and try to eat less junk food.


Expat1989 t1_j6hr3qb wrote

Get a good nights sleep every night. You grow the most while you’re sleeping. Diet is also important to make sure you have everything the body needs to grow.

But…….at the end of the day it’s really coming down to genetics. If both your parents are around 5’5 then you’re probably going to not grow much more unless you’ve got someone much taller on either side of the family.


Cubicle_Man t1_j6hrzy7 wrote

Dude you will end up whatever height you are. There is nothing wrong or right with that, it's just you bro.


Any_Monitor5224 t1_j6ht8h4 wrote

My husband is 5’7 and sexy as hell. Dating is a shit show and there’s definitely a bias Re: men/height and women/weight.

Just remember that you are not for everyone and everyone is not for you. And that’s ok bc you really only need to meet that one person who you vibe and connect with.

Don’t let the size queens get you down. Someone that shallow isn’t worth your time anyways


betcher73 t1_j6huj6b wrote

There is nothing you can do besides eating a healthy diet to give yourself the best shot of growing if you have another growth spurt coming (no guarantees one will come).


Squanchonme t1_j6hy1g8 wrote

Live your life. If somebody cares more about your height than your person, then they arent worth any of your time.


Aunt_Anne t1_j6i4mah wrote

I feel for you about getting bullied and teased about your height. Unfortunately, it's not really about your height: a bully will just torture you over anything, so getting taller won't help. It's the same for good nature teasing, too. They will. Just shift to teasing you About your feet or ears or haircut.

I know its not what you want to hear, but wait and let nature do is thing. If there was anything that actually worked, it wouldn't be a secret: it would be as well known as viagra and someone would be making money hand over fist selling it.

Just make sure you don't stunt your growth: which it sounds like you are already doing, eating healthy and exercising. Stay away from chemicals that might confuse or shut down your growth plates. Look at your father and uncle on both sides of the family. You might get a few inches in them with healthy living, but ultimately that's your expected range.


Polybutadiene t1_j6i8f9b wrote

sooo maybe not a way to actually groww taller… i would recommend you learn a language for a country where the average height is shorter than you. you’re at that age where you could totally be fluent in a language by the time you’re graduating college.

then you can move to that country and be “tall”. Mexico, asian countries, maybe some european countries but i’m not sure.

you could have a career as a translator or something.


Flaky-Wallaby5382 t1_j6i8pb0 wrote

5’8” guy here and i married a 5’8” girl… my kids are going to be taller than me


red_charizard t1_j6i8pq4 wrote

Try doing pullups.

Beyond that get sleep and eat well and stay positive.


dpittnet t1_j6iba14 wrote

Embrace being a short king. Confidence and humor goes a long way


huh_phd t1_j6ifa6h wrote

Eat healthy! Lots of colored vegetables, protein, good fats etc. Minimize empty calories (despite how good they may taste). Adequate nutrition is paramount. For example, look at the average height in North Korea (lots of malnourished people living there) versus a healthier country.


anita1louise t1_j6ik2ie wrote

Women usually reach their adult height by age 18. Men usually have a growth gain between 17 and 21. It is in your genetics how tall you will be, but you can’t just go by your parents height. They may have a taller brother or sister or even an Aunt or Uncle that is tall and therefore they may carry a taller gene. The best that you can do is make sure you get the nutrition necessary for your greatest growth, before the bones stop growing. This means proteins and fats and vitamin rich foods. Include vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin K2 as these are important for strong bones. Balanced minerals are also important.


jrhawk42 t1_j6imyi3 wrote

Nutrition and healthy living is the best way to get to your full potential height. I've always heard coffee and cigarettes will stunt your growth, but I think that was something they told us when we were kids so we didn't steal cigarettes and chug soda all day.

Overall though you'll probably just need to accept that you'll be around 5'5 unless you haven't hit puberty or something like that. After high school a lot of the focused teasing will slow down. You'll still get the occasional jerk, but you need to realize they'll find anything to be a jerk about, and it's best to just avoid those people.


PocketFullofSouls t1_j6itbl6 wrote

I have seen this maybe a handful of times…it’s more important to have a pretty face and an “exciting” profile. Beyond that do you really want someone like that? Discard the ones who make a list of requirements, ask for social media follows, or make their politics their whole identity. Have some self respect. Trust.


SocratesHasAGun t1_j6j0hhf wrote

6'5 here. Sleep a lot and eat a healthy diet. I'm 3" taller than the tallest recorded person in my bloodline and 6" taller than my tallest parent.

I usually credit my height to my mom ensuring I drank a full glass of milk with every dinner. Didn't always have to finish my food but always finished my milk. Seems silly but high calcium and protein probably helped me a lot.

My freshman year I was in online school and that's when my growth spurt hit, I consistently slept like 10-12 hours a day through the weeks. Grew like 3 or 4 inches taller during that year. However I also failed 3 classes. Don't do that.


genericrich t1_j6j5iyv wrote

I am 6'4" and let me tell you, it ain't easy. Some highlights:

  • "Do you play basketball? You should play basketball" - heard that for years and years.
  • Finding clothes that fit sucks. It's hard.
  • Air travel is a nightmare or very expensive.

Plus, tall men die earlier than short men. So, that sucks too!


Maddcapp t1_j6j7ez7 wrote

There's only one medical treatment available to you that is proven to help. But you'll need a doctor and they will need to agree youre the right candidate. And that is Human Growth Hormone. According to the studies, it only works while youre still growing and your bones haven't fused in your back. I don't recommend this treatment, but it's something to look into if youre really worried about height. This is what Lionel Messi did to grow taller when he was a teenager.


SweetCosmicPope t1_j6j8wyo wrote

It's largely going to be genetic. There are outlying issues, like if you have scoliosis or spina bifida which can cost you some inches, but otherwise it's going to be your genetics. One thing you can do to make sure you're growing is to make sure you're eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise. Stimulate your muscles and your bones without damaging them. And get plenty of sleep at night.

I've also heard you get get a little bit extra with gravity boots or an inversion table, but I'm a little dubious on those claims.


truthm0de t1_j6jex3d wrote

Sleep is when you grow. Get plenty of sleep and eat healthy/exercise. The rest is up to genetics.


vegaspimp22 t1_j6jf99v wrote

If you don’t grow, just get buff. Or rich. You will be just fine with the ladies if you can nail one of those and still be a good guy. Being short only eliminates a few taller women. No biggie.


Alexgould7 t1_j6jiaot wrote

I'm gonna level with you since everyone is telling you it's impossible, which is technically wrong. While risky, HGH use during the critical growth phase, before growth plates have closed, will increase height. If you present a compelling enough case, a doctor can prescribe it. There are also natural ways to mildly increase HGH levels, but you're going to have to google them.


420jizzMaster t1_j6jsg7u wrote

Painful ass surgery will make you taller. Other than that don’t worry about height.


UnsaltedGL t1_j6jw8rw wrote

We have a friend whose son was "small" growing up. Short, very skinny. As a teenager they put him on growth hormones to help him out. It's hard to tell whether he got much taller, but he definitely has a more "balanced" physique. Some of that was from the gym, some was probably from the growth hormones. He got into rock climbing where his frame size is an asset for him. He is in college now and looks like he has a healthy build. He will never be 6'3", but that is the way the genetic dice rolled for him. His dad is 5'11' and his mom is average for a woman, so it was just a fluke for him.

Also, most importantly, don't let things that you can't change define you. It's OK to find things to improve on to make yourself happy, but don't spend your life thinking your are "less than" because of your height, frame, or anything else.

Just be good to other people and you will attract the right people.


Ugateam t1_j6k8jp8 wrote

take HGH like many current nba players and I think messi did


SocratesHasAGun t1_j6kaofc wrote

Well keep eating 3 meals a day. Eggs are great for you and cereal sucks.

Don't expect results until you're like, on your way out of high school though. Don't expect results at all really. Good nutrition gives your body its best case scenario but if your genes don't allow for it they don't allow for it.

There is no surefire way to become taller without surgery which is ridiculous.

Also like others said don't define your value by how tall you are. Don't define your value by how attractive other people think you are or by if you can get a girlfriend or not. Those are shitty values and you'll always be a failure if that's how you judge yourself.

Define your value by what you can control. Honesty. Loving kindness. Discipline. Having control of your ego. A combination of strength and humility. All of these things are what make a man. Everything else will precipitate from that.

I'm 6'5 and get zero bitches, btw. Just in case you might've thought that being tall gives you an advantage in the dating marketplace. It isn't much of an advantage at all unless (from what I hear) you're also fit, which is a sign of discipline over oneself much more than it is visually appealing.


korggyy OP t1_j6kb8kw wrote

Yea I definitely try to eat healthy, maybe some cake and chips when its a relatives birthday. I definitely won't value myself over height, I just sometimes wish I was taller and I pray I'll get taller maybe as I entered puberty late. I'm just hoping for the best and the reason has nothing to do with getting women (although it would be nice) but its the fact I sometimes get picked on. It's all fine though I think the comments have restored my self confidence.


SocratesHasAGun t1_j6kbi5h wrote

Your classmates fail in their value of kindness when they pick on you. Don't be them and you'll be fine. Tough it out, man.

I got picked on in high school too, just more quietly, but I can say your whole world is gonna change once you're out of high school. It can only get better from here.


DP11117 t1_j6kmrum wrote

Microfracturing. Yoga. Danielfast diet/sleep.


kathfkon t1_j6kph6m wrote

My son read somewhere to eat a couple tablespoons of peanut butter and sleep in a pitch black room for 12 hours. It worked for him and my other son.


Successful-Engine623 t1_j6ksd2k wrote

Can get human growth hormone but that’s usually if your shorter than that


BOBALL00 t1_j6kvfy6 wrote

It’s mostly genetic. However there are some exceptions now and again. I’ve known a few people who were short and then grew 6 inches in a summer. In my wife’s family people are either really short or really tall. She’s 5”8’ and her sister is 5 feet tall. She’s taller than brother her parents as well. Half her cousins are quite short and the other half are pretty tall. Genetics are weird. Just ride it out


mhavas703 t1_j6l3bh1 wrote

I'm 5'8" and I reached that height when I was 14 and never grew taller. I'm in my 30s now.

I can tell you that height isn't everything and the worst thing someone can do is be self-conscious about it. People know your height right off the bat and the people who judge based on height are not the type of people worth your time to be honest.


elf533 t1_j6l6tjj wrote

Your already perfect


Just_OneReason t1_j6l90w3 wrote

Are you male or female? If you’re female , you’re probably done growing. In general girls stop growing two years after their first period. So if it’s been two years or more, you’re probably done. If you’re male, you still have a few more years left. Boys generally stop growing around 18-19. Personally, I stopped growing when I was 15 and that was two years after my first period.


PineappleMedley9 t1_j6ldbgr wrote

It might not be much but work on your core and posture, having good posture can give you a little extra height, and it couldn't hurt to stretch


ProudKingbooker t1_j6lhsiq wrote

Honestly man, people pick on you right now but in a few years, that won't really matter.

People don't really care about your looks in the real world, unless they like you.

Kids your age are just assholes but don't listen to them. They're just insecure about themselves and making fun of you helps relieve their insecurity.

As hard as it may be, try to ignore them as much as you can. You'll be okay


Rhopunzel t1_j6m6pv2 wrote

My dad told me that sleeping straight instead of curled up would make me taller. lol


goth_hippy t1_j6mwmn4 wrote

Get you a tall lady!! Two very good friends of mine are a 5'2" man and a 6'0" woman. They're super *social and go out a lot, so he does get occasional comments from (usually) men picking on him for being shorter than his partner. Luckily he's very quick witted and has developed a thick skin about it. He finds a way to turn it around into a brag on himself, or picks on them for placing their insecurities on his situation.

Edit: said suicidal, meant social LMAO


villagewinery t1_j6nasws wrote

Physicians have good success prescribing growth hormone to children. If you are naturally deficient there is nothing wrong with supplements under medical supervision. Children can take rather massive doses of growth hormones with no side effects, whereas adults cannot.

So get your folks to take you to the doc.


villagewinery t1_j6nbacg wrote

I real life women have zero ability to discern height. If you're taller than they are you're good. Most women are barely 5' to 5'3.

My wife thought I was 6 feet tall or maybe 5'11. I'm 5'9. She learned my height about 29 years after we were married.