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FactsFromExperience t1_j6e3y6b wrote

Oh that doesn't work! Pretty much nothing available now works. For people who have like a high tolerance to mosquito bites are itching maybe but those of us who get systemic allergic reactions to poison ivy on places where it didn't even touch and for it has not been spread by contact and people who have had dangerous reactions to mosquito bites from scratching with swelling oozing and running red streaks... None of these normal remedies are going to work. Lol Even alcohol doesn't really work nor anything else. The only thing that ever worked that was worth its weight in gold was the original Afterbite formula. Sadly, they changed the formulation three or four years ago and now it's junk also. They were other brands out there that were similar dab on rub on Stick kind of application and most of them had benzocaine or lidocaine or something like that to try to numb it but none of them worked. Let me go grab my trusty tube from the large amount of stock I bought years ago and check the ingredients but I know it has ammonium in it. It says ammonia 3.5% and natural oil. It used to say mink oil but I do believe they pulled the minkle out at one point in time and replaced it with whatever they call this natural oil. I don't care but I have known people who say they are allergic to mink oil. Regardless, this is the only stuff that ever worked but you did have to do a little bit of scratching first because you really need to get it a little bit raw so the ammonia can get in there.. Now the funny thing is I've tried actual ammonia and it doesn't seem to work as well but the key for these bites is to squeeze them and scratch them enough to get them all because otherwise they're just going to keep itching, and then put the after bite on there or straight alcohol or ammonia vinegar or whatever else you can use that will burn the heck out of it because then the itching is GONE!