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Raggon_Mcflaggon t1_j5yxw1r wrote

Better LPT, if someone is asking you easily looked up questions they're trying to start up a conversation with you. See original LPT on how to burn that bridge before it ever gets built. Try talking to them it might be fun.


The_Final_Dork t1_j5yzzzl wrote

Maybe its that one coworker or family member who is too lazy to look up info or make a little effort to learn for themselves. Once you're at the fifth or sixth time it's not an attempt at conversation.


Raggon_Mcflaggon t1_j5z0wff wrote

This is true but there's better ways of handling that than being as rude as their tip comes off.


jabberwockgee t1_j605tyr wrote

There's a difference between someone asking 'hey, what do you think is the tallest building in the world?' and 'what's the tallest building in the world?'

One would be me giving my best guess and one is a query literally directed at Google. I'm not siri, talk to me like a person.

I have a coworker who is like this sometimes and I just say 'I don't care' when they ask me questions for a search engine.


Oudeis16 t1_j66ou70 wrote

Those are your examples? Do a lot of people walk up to you at random and ask you what the tallest building in the world is? That's the sort of question you think is commonly being asked?

Also, how many times does the average hummingbird's heart beat per minute?


jabberwockgee t1_j67dzxo wrote

So hostile lol

That was an example, not examples.

Do a lot of people? Nah, just one like I said.

Google it.


Oudeis16 t1_j689e04 wrote

So you only provided one example and you admit it's a terrible one? And it's the entire basis of your point? And you're still going to sit there acting like you're obviously right and just "proved" something instead of coming across like a whining little brat screaming because he can't have someone else's toy car?


jabberwockgee t1_j68abah wrote

I never said I gave more than one.



What are you even talking about?

What in the actual hell does not wanting to answer random questions my coworker asks me that are easily googlable have to do with whining like someone took my toy car? Are you sure you're even responding to the right person? Do you have a repressed memory about a toy car?


Noshalak t1_j602nos wrote

This. People just trying to connect n talk not get told or sent a link to


brothertuck t1_j632mz3 wrote

One time or a few times, maybe, but constantly is too much.


VirtualSolid3062 t1_j61ui9u wrote

Love this haha. Only experience in life would tell you this, and you just might have it.


[deleted] OP t1_j5z5ebs wrote

Please go back and read the tip.

This is about somebody who is annoying and persistently lazy.


Raggon_Mcflaggon t1_j5z6mk8 wrote

I did read it. This isn't how the post comes off. It makes you sound like an asshole. Why is it do you think so many others are responding the same way I did? As someone who is awkward in face to face conversations I've been told this exact thing I wasn't being persistent or lazy I just wanted to interact with the person and I wasn't sure how to and it hurt to be dismissed like that. It makes trying to talk to another person that much harder.


[deleted] OP t1_j60yueg wrote

So, you want somebody to keep bothering you to do easy things for them they are too lazy to do?

You're a better person than I.


misdreavus79 t1_j5zhhy7 wrote

LPT: if someone asks you questions that google can easily answer, it’s because they trust and value your opinion.


JadziaDayne t1_j5ztofx wrote

Not for long though, with that attitude 😂


[deleted] OP t1_j60xpgs wrote

That's the idea, genius.

Some of us have things to do and we can't keep helping others, like the people who don't actually get the original post.

If you can't find the loser in the crowd, then it's you.

Trust me, I've been there many times. Eventually you get smart enough to tell people to pound sand.

I hope you keep your idealism and kindness.


Sufficient-Law-6622 t1_j62hnpw wrote

Most teenage ass response I’ve ever read 😂


[deleted] OP t1_j634ps5 wrote

Nice. Keep it up. You're a sparkling example of an effervescent personality, not.


Sufficient-Law-6622 t1_j642f5h wrote

You are sarcastically saying I’m a sparkling example of an enthusiastic personality because I called you out for sounding immature? What?

Your insistent misuse of big words confirms you cannot be older than 21.

What was that quote about not being able to spot a loser in a crowd?


ticktickboom45 t1_j663yb6 wrote

Did you mean consistent? I agree with you btw.

He seems like a hurt little boy.


[deleted] OP t1_j60xk9f wrote

You have never been taken advantage of?

I bet you flatter easily and fold.


jbautista13 t1_j61z9kp wrote

You’re an asshole. Who hurt you that you think someone who is asking you questions must be taking advantage of you…


[deleted] OP t1_j634m3q wrote

You're not winning any points.

Go look in the mirror. You're just as bad


AWildBenjiAppeared t1_j63qisp wrote

How come you're just insulting people that disagree with you lol? Just as bad my ass. He's right man. You're just an asshole. LPT: just be nice to people.


[deleted] OP t1_j63suk8 wrote

Disagreeing with me or being insulting and rude?

Don't let the tone of the content blind you from its delivery and the people who deliver it.

I think you failed. You could probably have been nicer in the response, but you weren't.

See, it's not easy being human. Goodbye.


healing-souls t1_j5z2qov wrote

Oh yes let's be a condescending dickwaffle anytime somebody asks you a question that could be looked up.


[deleted] OP t1_j5z5jqi wrote

You didn't read the LPT.

I think you should go back and check it.

If not, what did Google say?


healing-souls t1_j5z8x6y wrote

yeah, I read your LPT and it's condescending and douchey. I can see why you have no friends.


[deleted] OP t1_j60ynam wrote

If somebody keeps annoying you to do easy things they are too lazy to do, how would you respond?

Do you think this would train somebody to look up stuff for themselves and save other people annoyance?

Did you even read the tip?

"Keep" & "easily"are in there.


RusteddCoin t1_j61qgo2 wrote

You seem like a douche, people are just trying to start a conversation with you Jesus you sound exhausting.


healing-souls t1_j6176ns wrote

You sound like an incessant toddler now.


[deleted] OP t1_j634dn5 wrote

You're not doing such a hot job, yourself.


AWildBenjiAppeared t1_j63qs3x wrote

I like how you resort to just saying "well you're dumb too!" Really makes you not look like you're a middle schooler. Totally.


[deleted] OP t1_j63spgb wrote

You missed the point.

You're trying to point out that I can be better, but you're no better yourself.

Try leading by example, friend.


healing-souls t1_j646qe9 wrote

Just accept that your "tip" was garbage and move on princess


joftheinternet t1_j5yxqxy wrote

You know what is a better way to do this? Whip out your phone and say "Let's google this". That way you're actively helping the person AND empowering them to find their answers by showing them how to do it.


sortaangrypeanut t1_j6113iv wrote

Literally a simple "I'm not sure, maybe ask Google" is better than this LPT.


Tee_hops t1_j629m3u wrote

The real life let me Google that for you.


[deleted] OP t1_j5yy3lo wrote



joftheinternet t1_j5yycd6 wrote

If you're trying to improve and change behavior, yes.


[deleted] OP t1_j5z8mrj wrote



joftheinternet t1_j5z94cg wrote

I'm truly sorry that I upset you. I can assure you that my comment was genuine and I honestly felt like I was using the proper words to help. I'll work on my message in the future to make it more palatable. Have a good day, friend!


chemistrian t1_j5z5wbl wrote

AITA: for not engaging someone in polite conversation and instead being passive aggressive and dismissive?


[deleted] OP t1_j60yx9j wrote

You missed two key things.


You're the kind of person this post is about.


superkuper t1_j5ywq4b wrote

What an incredibly dismissive and rude thing to do, horrible advice.


AGripInVan t1_j5z04y9 wrote

Is it, though?

If Its faster to ask google than wait for a response...

You tend to question the IQ.


superkuper t1_j5z0p7v wrote

Even if it is faster, this is just not a polite way to interact with a person.


AGripInVan t1_j5z11jh wrote

If its a weak question it is not inviting. Its annoying.

Want to engage? Ask smart.


superkuper t1_j5z17oy wrote

That doesn’t matter. Someone asking a dumb question is not an excuse to be rude to them.


AGripInVan t1_j5z39z4 wrote

I dont mean dumb.

I mean low effort.

Like , whats the nearest grocery store to X street?


superkuper t1_j5z3fp7 wrote

It does not matter. There is no question that justifies this kind of snarky rude response, period.


AGripInVan t1_j5z3u6e wrote

There are worse replys to make your stand on.

This is not the hill for you to die on.


superkuper t1_j5z4c30 wrote

I’m not making a stand, I’m attacking. You’re the one defending this garbage behavior for no good reason.


AGripInVan t1_j5z56dk wrote

On the contrary.

A very good reason.


superkuper t1_j5z5dl7 wrote

Your reason is that someone mildly annoying you gives you free license to be rude to them in return.

That just makes you an asshole.


[deleted] OP t1_j5ywwzo wrote

Wait until somebody bothers you enough times.

It's not dismissive or rude

You just didn't read the tip correctly.


healing-souls t1_j5z2tas wrote

Yes it is dismissive and makes you sound like a royal assbag.


Soup_Rah t1_j5z8v3v wrote

Shit tip.


[deleted] OP t1_j60ys1r wrote

I disagree. Why don't you Google what the best approach is and let me know?


halfsieapsie t1_j5zqzpj wrote

Everyone read your tip correctly, don't worry. Stop being a passive aggressive douche. You can just say "I'm sorry, I am a bit busy, can you please just google it".


[deleted] OP t1_j60xego wrote


Not only can't you read the original post, you can't even read the rum.

It's about people like you, if you haven't figured that out.


Rickcinyyc t1_j5zqi12 wrote

You should give up on holding this line. That's not what your tip said. Revisionist history.

I see you George Santos.


JadziaDayne t1_j5z00tc wrote

Ah yes, why have a normal conversation when you could be on your phone instead!


[deleted] OP t1_j60yawt wrote

Why do somebody else's work when you could be earning your own paycheck instead of theirs for them?


[deleted] OP t1_j5z5hm4 wrote



CoralPilkington t1_j5zb85f wrote

Here is your "LPT" verbatim:

>Productivity LPT: If somebody keeps asking you questions they can easily look up on their phone, always respond with, "What did Google say?" Eventually, they'll figure it out.

Now, pray tell ... where does it say "constant annoyance" in there?


[deleted] OP t1_j60ydjb wrote

"keeps" didn't trigger anything with you?

I'm so sorry I'm such a terrible writer.


[deleted] OP t1_j60ygti wrote

Edit: noticed I followed it up with questions they can EASILY...


Llanite t1_j60bpj6 wrote

Better title: how to send people off like a dick and make enemies everywhere you go.


[deleted] OP t1_j60wpeu wrote



Llanite t1_j60xyxq wrote

Not really.

If you don't want to answer, just politely say you dont know and theyll find it out by themselves or from someone else.

Sarcasm, condescending tone, and rude remarks earn you lifetime enemies and a reputation of being a dick.

If you don't agree, that's fine. You'll learn soon enough.


[deleted] OP t1_j60zno6 wrote

I'll learn soon enough? I have decades on you.

I do not want to do someone else's work for them after 5 or 10 times of helping out.

I don't want to explain this to you anymore, because, You are the kind of person This is aboat.

You don't listen!


Llanite t1_j60zv5y wrote

decaded of having no social skill. Being around you must be a joy.


[deleted] OP t1_j61089y wrote



Llanite t1_j610j8r wrote

I dont write LPT how to be a shitty person though 🙃


[deleted] OP t1_j616aam wrote



Llanite t1_j617mck wrote

Let me divulge a secret then.

If everyone and their mother tell you your behavior is inappropriate, it likely is. Stop defending it.


[deleted] OP t1_j634fki wrote

Let me let you win on a secret, it's not everybody. Just a few vocal people like you.

Guess what, you're just as bad as you're saying I am.


twbluenaxela t1_j63uqsi wrote

oh man this was a great thread. had a lot of laughs from OPs very aggressive responses.


keepitcleanforwork t1_j5zkilw wrote

More like how to be a condescending ass.


[deleted] OP t1_j60xwzw wrote

No, it's about you. You didn't read it.

There's one word that begins with a k that's very important to the understanding of it.

In case you hadn't noticed, this is condescending.

You are welcome.


keepitcleanforwork t1_j610h52 wrote

At first I thought you were just a little confused on how to be polite, but now I see that you are simply an insufferable prick.


[deleted] OP t1_j6164tl wrote

You and your potty mouth.

Get off your high horse, you're no better.


keepitcleanforwork t1_j61coa4 wrote

I definitely treat people better. Someone comes to me asking a question, I sure as hell don't respond by telling them to Google it before daring to ask my assistant.


[deleted] OP t1_j634hfv wrote

You didn't read the statement.

It's not somebody asking you a question it's somebody constantly asking you questions and annoying you and asking you to do their work for them.

Try again.


theyarnllama t1_j60yjc7 wrote

Funny how you think EVERYONE read the post wrong. I bet you’re fun at parties.


[deleted] OP t1_j60zhfm wrote

I'm the life of the party.

If you want to keep doing work for somebody who's too lazy to do something they can easily do, you're a better person than I am.

When I work, I don't want to do somebody else's work for them. I want to spend my time earning my paycheck. Earning their paycheck for them doesn't do me any good after the 5th or 6th time of being a polite co-worker, or the hundredth, or the thousands.

You got to know when to draw the line or people take advantage of you.


lucyjayne t1_j60hr4a wrote

No thanks, I'm not a jerk.


[deleted] OP t1_j60wi8q wrote

Respectfully, I think you misread the post.

This is a suggestion for people who take advantage of other people.

Would you care to read it again and possibly reconsider?


GuCCiAzN14 t1_j612rce wrote

Lmao every time someone calls OP out for being a passive aggressive douche, OP responds with “…what did google say” further cementing the douchey impression they gave off in the post description


IxI_DUCK_IxI t1_j5zhlc0 wrote

Ah yes, having a polite conversation with someone instead of staring at your phone is the way we should be going as a species. Should probably include looking them up on Facebook instead of asking how their children are doing also.


[deleted] OP t1_j60xu8j wrote

What part of "keeps" should I have been clearer on?

I'm sorry if it doesn't denote annoying, lazy, or anything that it was intended to.

I hope your life is peaches and cream and that your farts continue to smell like perfume.


dpittnet t1_j602fp6 wrote

Or you can try to not be an asshole and see how that goes


[deleted] OP t1_j60x04a wrote

You can also miss read something and comment on it, thus proving you're one of the people that it's about.


dpittnet t1_j6116lt wrote

Well I googled “is OP an asshole?” and the result was “yes”


[deleted] OP t1_j616e7u wrote

I give you a point for making me chuckle.

Well done!


BattlefieldNiblet t1_j60dbpm wrote

You struggle in social settings don’t you buddy?

Or what would google say?


[deleted] OP t1_j60wwjq wrote

Actually, no.

This is a case of appropriately setting boundaries and not rewarding laziness.

I have to give you a point for cleverness in your response, but overall, you misunderstood the post and then further made yourself look foolish by commenting on the misunderstanding in a way that you hoped would make you look clever and mildly snotty / condescending.

Sadly, you didn't own me.

I have been owning you this entire paragraph.

Go back and read it.


SCfoster t1_j60ze1m wrote

Instead of reflecting OP just comes in here to defend his LPT even when it’s a jerk move


[deleted] OP t1_j60zrmx wrote

Well, I'm going to stop.

Obviously, you didn't read the tip, you're not listening. You're in the half that it's about.

I can't explain it anymore. Goodbye.


LincolnWasALiberal t1_j62uxwj wrote

Don't do this It's not actually about the question, it's about the connection they're trying to establish with you.


Gonkas_hd t1_j63c4f8 wrote

Found the narcissistic asshole.


elbichportucul t1_j636isl wrote

This is less an LPT and more of an IATA


Ok-Detail-9853 t1_j5zdxe1 wrote

The is a website for this

It generates a Google page, types in their search and then dumps them into the actual Google page with the search pre-populated


[deleted] OP t1_j60y92c wrote

Wow. You are awesome. That is so meta.


Todd-The-Wraith t1_j64y3a4 wrote

I like using this because while you get to mock them for asking a stupid question you’re also helping them get the answer


Ok-Detail-9853 t1_j64y8lj wrote

It's pretty passive aggressive and I wish I could use it more than I do.


PidgeonCoo t1_j5zt5hg wrote

/r/outoftheloop in shambles now


Scrungyscrotum t1_j60kqh7 wrote

Applies mostly to low-effort posts on r/NoStupidQuestions.


[deleted] OP t1_j60z6z4 wrote

How do you think I learned?

I'm not too proud to admit it.


bellaonni2 t1_j63bfex wrote

I ask my husband questions I know the answers to or questions I can Google just in hopes that he'll put his phone down and engage in a conversation with me. Many people do this just to try to break the ice and get talking.


Devil_in_blackx t1_j63bq3z wrote

My best friend text me questions all the time she would get a faster answer from google. And sometimes I even look it up before I respond. Especially right now, she is 10 weeks pregnant and I’m 36 so she keeps asking me about pregnancy stuff which is fine but like I’m tired and my feet hurt I don’t want to talk about your puking


KingMob9 t1_j63vidd wrote

LPT: Don't listen to LPTs.


PocketBananna t1_j5zh1cj wrote

Sorry your coworkers are pestering you but it's usually better to be direct in a professional setting. I just tell juniors to do their proper research before bombarding me with questions.

Outside of work this feels a bit rude though. My GF asks me how traffic or the weather is daily. I'll answer and transition the conversation to other aspects of the day. We call this "small talk".


[deleted] OP t1_j60y1zc wrote

There are annoying people outside of the workplace, too.

You can say, what did Google say, without offending anybody, right?

Check it out and tell me what Google says. I have faith in you.


Jazemuffin t1_j5zx36s wrote

Definitely not my go-to first response, but I've been known to tell my SO to google whatever question he has on occasion. Those occasions being when we're driving home after work and I'm plugging away on my phone at something I've wanted to get done all day, but couldn't because of work, and he decides he needs to ask many questions in succession. I will try to answer them as much as I can, but it does sometimes land on "I don't know, you should probably google that". Which usually gets a me "Okay, you're not driving, you google it." Which... yes, I could, in fact google it to give him the satisfaction of the answer right then and there, but I am also very obviously doing something and the thing that I am doing is not less important than some random piece of information you decided you needed to know thirty seconds ago.

So, like many have said, definitely not a go-to response in general conversation, but plausible in some situations.


CoralPilkington t1_j600z0p wrote

When I'm driving with my wife, I don't really ask questions, I'll just kind of wonder out loud to myself, and usually she's also interested in knowing the answer, so she looks it up and then tells me.


[deleted] OP t1_j60xade wrote

Respectfully, reread it.

It's not a go-to response. It's the last response you make before screaming, I'm busy. I can't keep looking things up for you. Do your own work!


twbluenaxela t1_j63vbej wrote

posts like these are what keep me still subscribed to this sub lol. r/starterpacks is also another good one.


keepthetips t1_j5yw9qm wrote

Hello and welcome to r/LifeProTips!

Please help us decide if this post is a good fit for the subreddit by up or downvoting this comment.

If you think that this is great advice to improve your life, please upvote. If you think this doesn't help you in any way, please downvote. If you don't care, leave it for the others to decide.


shmeetz t1_j600mba wrote

In addition to what others have said, sometimes people also would like to ask a reliable source with experience rather than strangers on the internet where you have no idea what their experience or background on the matter is


[deleted] OP t1_j60x4so wrote

Seriously, context!

The people who don't get it, are the ones it's about. It's pretty simple.

Read, comprehend.

Once or twice, sure. Every effing time?



[deleted] OP t1_j60z4gd wrote



DeArgonaut t1_j63l8v9 wrote

Communication is a two way street, it may be obvious to you what you mean, but clearly it wasn’t sufficient for the vast majority of people here. When you elaborate a little further it does become more clear, but I can very much see why the initial post didn’t work for most. No offense, you are coming off as very combative about it and unwilling to trying seeing from others side with comments like this.

I concur if it’s a colleague or someone else who should be finding this stuff on their own time then it can be quite annoying, but if it’s someone who just wants to have a conversation with you then I see it as endearing.


[deleted] OP t1_j63maqr wrote

Absolutely. You can be nice the first few times, but, seriously?

There are always people who want to take advantage of you.


DeArgonaut t1_j63o5ix wrote

There certainly are people like that, but it could be other things like they are trying to get more social interaction in their life, or it’s just not a habit of theirs to look things up on their own.

I moved across the US a year ago for a job and I did find myself more likely to ask little things than I do know as I developed a better social life outside of work. I agree that smaller hints like you suggest with asking about what Google says in a kind tone could help push them in a good direction.


[deleted] OP t1_j63op1j wrote

You are leaving out context.

We can discuss a variety of situations, but if you're sitting at your desk trying to get work done and your workmate, who shouldn't be socializing, constantly badges you to do their work for them, you need to draw a line in the sand.


DeArgonaut t1_j643m2v wrote

Ofc I’m leaving out that context, I don’t know the intricacies of your situation unless you tell me them. Yes, I would def agree in that situation a boundary would need to be enforced


ivyox t1_j63203z wrote

Do you mean: how to be a manager of any type. Guiding people to the answer so it sticks instead of telling them over and over again!


T-Flexercise t1_j64q5x9 wrote

A way better response is to give them the answer, and what you googled to get the answer.

So, like, when an intern tells me "This ticket says it doesn't work with nmcli and I don't know what that is. What should I do?" I go "Huh.... ok, so I googled nmcli and it turns out it's a command-line network manager tool. Have you tried running it from the command line?"

That way, you convey the information that they should google that kind of thing in the future, but don't imply that they're stupid for not knowing it automatically, and you still give them the opportunity to talk through it with you.


Oudeis16 t1_j66oop5 wrote

Counter LPT: If someone asks you a question they might want to have a human conversation with a real person, and not everyone is wired to assume that the default for everyone should be "interact with as few people as possible." If you constantly find yourself trying to limit human contact unless necessary and shaming those who do not, consider whether that's actually in your own best interests, and whether it makes you a douche to shame others for not doing the same.


flightwatcher45 t1_j61ez1p wrote

You guys getting trolled lol


greentshirtman t1_j63mk7v wrote

Is it really trolling, if no one but the OP gets mad, and everyone sees through them?


Ifyouhavethemeans t1_j61r7wy wrote

Client: Really freakin’ simple question. Me: Let me google that for you.


TicklesPickles t1_j607a4y wrote

Looks like the people in the comments here never met someone who never does their own due diligence and expects everyone else to find answers to things for them 🤣


[deleted] OP t1_j60wn9p wrote

They are the people this is about!

Thank you for bringing that to my attention. Lol!