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hyalimoe t1_j9sxqqz wrote

What is actually wrong with you? Who is talking about syria or everyone that is getting killed? You are completely off topic, i was just asking a question since i was wondering. If you cannot answer and have something rude to say please keep it to yourself since you are just being mean to someone for absolutely 0 reason.


itsamezario t1_j9sy3oo wrote

If you don’t understand the purpose of me bringing up actual catastrophic world events in relation to God’s reactions to human beings, then you are too dense (and self-absorbed) to even continue this discussion with. I REPEAT: you’re not that special for God to be throwing late-night smoke signals to.


tpf52 t1_j9ueoci wrote

I find it hilarious when people believe in god but also don’t believe god is omnipotent. Like why couldn’t god be dealing with the natural disasters and also causing loud noises for OP? How many problems is your god limited to dealing with at any given time in your opinion?


hyalimoe t1_j9sydsk wrote

And i did not ask you to answer with whats happening in the world, my question is completely different and is happening with me in real life. There is absolutely 0 reasons for you to bring in syria and bombings and whatsoever. Stop being negative and as i said i will not be rude to you and im not trying to, but dont comment if you have no reason to on a serious subject (at least for op). Not only on my post, but in general and on others posts. Dont be toxic, be good to people my friend. "If words are made out of silver then silence is made out of gold" that means dont say something just to speak, say something if you know what words are coming out of your mouth.
