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MrsBeauregardless t1_j9t6zh8 wrote

I don’t think any of us can say it wasn’t or was a message from God. It could have been a message from God and a pipe bursting, a tire popping, a transformer blowing, a branch falling in the roof, etc.

As for whether you should pray, let me ask you something: how do you think your mother would feel if the only time you talked to her was at scheduled times of the day when the rules say you have to?

How would you feel if your father or one of your siblings just ignored you and never talked to you?

If you believe, like I do, that God loves you/is a loving parent, don’t you think He just adores it when you interact with him?

Have you ever gotten a hug or a kiss from a baby or made a baby laugh? Isn’t it just the greatest feeling ever?

Don’t you think God relishes that kind of interaction with His children? It can only help us, too. Prayer helps us to remember He’s there for us.