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[deleted] OP t1_j9sxejj wrote



hyalimoe t1_j9sxwiu wrote

My guy, thank you, your comment is very relieving and good night.


mossydeerbones t1_j9sw6ev wrote

It probably wasnt a message from god but I can't convince you otherwise if you're religious and believe that. It could have been anything, a car exhaust popping, a squirrel landing on your roof after jumping off a tree, someone throwing something at your house, could have even been something random like ice from an airplane or a tiny meteorite lmao. God would be the last thing I'd assume but you already sound pretty into that so I mean, it's whatever you want to believe.


hyalimoe t1_j9swbg2 wrote

I am actually not religious, i just believe like the most of us. It is driving me crazy i dont know what it was, checked the whole house and the outside, the patio, everything, it all seems normal and nothing out of place and nothing has fallen over. The sound was very loud and it was a big pop.


mossydeerbones t1_j9swnaz wrote

Oh, you said you were Muslim which is a religion. It could have literally been anything. A squirrel would run off.


hyalimoe t1_j9swrpw wrote

Yes iam muslim that is my religion but iam not into religion or very religious, like i dont usually pray 5 times a day, go to the mosque, etc... I do good stuff and i believe in allah (god) thats all.


xikubuek t1_j9t88ff wrote

“Most of us” is actually wrong. Most of us have grown past believing. None’ism is the largest religion - in the US at least I believe


happygiraffe404 t1_j9tyc35 wrote

"Most of us" might have meant globally. Some people think a bit wider when they're on the internet, since they assume that they're talking from people from different places in the world.


fairie_poison t1_j9tah95 wrote

did it sound like it came from your own head? Look up exploding head syndrome. Not as scary as it sounds , you just hear an explosion like sound for no reason.


hyalimoe t1_j9tarsb wrote

Not at all, since a family member upstairs also heard it and called to check what it was.


itsamezario t1_j9sxe3u wrote

It’s not a message from God. Sorry to break it to you, but you’re not that special. There are tens of thousands of Muslims who just died under rubble in Turkey & Syria, leaving behind millions of devastated and homeless civilians. If there is a God, he’s got too many people with actual problems that he should be tending to. The world doesn’t revolve around you, you’re not that important for God to throw a fit in your living room, so get a grip and go to sleep.


hyalimoe t1_j9sxqqz wrote

What is actually wrong with you? Who is talking about syria or everyone that is getting killed? You are completely off topic, i was just asking a question since i was wondering. If you cannot answer and have something rude to say please keep it to yourself since you are just being mean to someone for absolutely 0 reason.


itsamezario t1_j9sy3oo wrote

If you don’t understand the purpose of me bringing up actual catastrophic world events in relation to God’s reactions to human beings, then you are too dense (and self-absorbed) to even continue this discussion with. I REPEAT: you’re not that special for God to be throwing late-night smoke signals to.


tpf52 t1_j9ueoci wrote

I find it hilarious when people believe in god but also don’t believe god is omnipotent. Like why couldn’t god be dealing with the natural disasters and also causing loud noises for OP? How many problems is your god limited to dealing with at any given time in your opinion?


hyalimoe t1_j9sydsk wrote

And i did not ask you to answer with whats happening in the world, my question is completely different and is happening with me in real life. There is absolutely 0 reasons for you to bring in syria and bombings and whatsoever. Stop being negative and as i said i will not be rude to you and im not trying to, but dont comment if you have no reason to on a serious subject (at least for op). Not only on my post, but in general and on others posts. Dont be toxic, be good to people my friend. "If words are made out of silver then silence is made out of gold" that means dont say something just to speak, say something if you know what words are coming out of your mouth.


IllCellist6681 t1_j9sw2tm wrote

It wasn’t a message from God, no. It was a stray animal or person outside who knocked something over, or some random item falling over, or a family member getting up to go to the bathroom and knocking something over, or something else.


hyalimoe t1_j9sw6z7 wrote

It is not possible, everyone is sleeping and animals dont usually get into our house, theres nothing to be knocked over outside except our patio stuff which are super heavy to move. Also, as soon as i heard the bang i rushed to check, checked all of the house, and checked outside. Everything is in place and nothing seems to be unusual.


senecaduck t1_j9tksgo wrote

Do you live somewhere that has had a quick shift in temperature? I’m in the Midwest US. It was warm yesterday and snowing today. The big shifts in temp often cause the framing in the walls to contract quickly and cause a loud almost shotgun like sound. Startles me every time.


armccaa t1_j9sze21 wrote

I am also a Christian and I agree with what jaslbrown said. I don’t think you should be afraid or worry - that’s not what God would want. He gives comfort and peace. I also believe he uses circumstances to have us seek him. Please, don’t be anxious. He loves you. 🙏🏻


hyalimoe t1_j9t06u5 wrote

Thank you for the kind words, and he loves you as well my friend. Have a good night/day.


jaslbrown t1_j9sydbw wrote

I'm a Christian, and I can only answer from my perspective, but when God communicates it's always clear with an understandable message. I believe the majority of God's communication to us is through the Bible. However, I do believe God uses circumstances in our life to get us to seek Him. And the Bible is very clear that if we seek God with our whole heart He will be found (Jer 29:13).

Jesus (Isa) says "For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened." (Luke 11:10) This is your chance to search for God and find Him.


hyalimoe t1_j9syio5 wrote

Thank you for the wise and beautiful words from the bible my friend. I respect all religions because they all have meaning.


Tom-_Bombadil t1_j9szocg wrote

Why would it not be a message? Even if it has an explanation why it happened, the fact it had this effect on you is a sign.


Baleofthehay t1_j9t39gp wrote

>I believe in god and religion and everything (Im muslim), but how do we know that theres a god? Theres nothing proven that there is one.

You just made a contradictory statement. That's OK, it's real. Ask this "God " to reveal himself to you. If he is real, he will, in his own way, so you will know. Surely a God would do that? Now go to sleep in peace.


Fantastic_Baseball45 t1_j9ujuia wrote

My grandmother knew a verse that God reveals itself to those that diligently seek them. She was a Christian.


Advanced-Concept3161 t1_j9tanm6 wrote

Lay off the amps dude


hyalimoe t1_j9tash2 wrote

What does that mean bro


Advanced-Concept3161 t1_j9tb692 wrote

Consume less stimulants (specific kind of drug) Your writing style and the paranoia indicated to me that you were tweaking, but maybe I was wrong


hyalimoe t1_j9tbdzl wrote

Nah bro i dont do drugs not even weed


SIM1CUR12 t1_j9sxo9e wrote

Recreate and observe.


d_dynasty t1_j9t1djp wrote

So God decided to prove to YOU he exists by a loud bang in the middle of the night, sounds logic. No hard feelings but damn you're easy to fool.


hyalimoe t1_j9t1phw wrote

No hard feelings man first thing came to mind was def someone broke in or something broke thats why i rushed outside my room and checked. But when i saw nothing and the sound happened while talking about this subject which made me think its a possibility? Its just a thought i didnt say its god.


MrsBeauregardless t1_j9t6zh8 wrote

I don’t think any of us can say it wasn’t or was a message from God. It could have been a message from God and a pipe bursting, a tire popping, a transformer blowing, a branch falling in the roof, etc.

As for whether you should pray, let me ask you something: how do you think your mother would feel if the only time you talked to her was at scheduled times of the day when the rules say you have to?

How would you feel if your father or one of your siblings just ignored you and never talked to you?

If you believe, like I do, that God loves you/is a loving parent, don’t you think He just adores it when you interact with him?

Have you ever gotten a hug or a kiss from a baby or made a baby laugh? Isn’t it just the greatest feeling ever?

Don’t you think God relishes that kind of interaction with His children? It can only help us, too. Prayer helps us to remember He’s there for us.


armccaa t1_j9t7pmc wrote

I’m so sorry to see that people are sending you such negative replies. I believe you were truly asking a very real, very honest question. Anyone would be anxious after hearing a loud noise that is unexplainable! I do believe you should listen to your heart - if you heard this at the very time you were talking to your friend about God, it is meaningful to you. 🙏🏻 You can always talk to God and learn more and read. Please don’t be bothered by some of the replies. If this has stirred something in your heart you will know.


hyalimoe t1_j9ta2pm wrote

Thank you very much for the beautiful comment. Its okay thats just how the world is nowadays.. Thank you for being caring, understanding and kind enough to post such a comment.


kissmekate48 t1_j9tj0pn wrote

I’m not a believer but I think you should put faith in what you believe and observe to be true vs. what other unknowable people on the internet think. Maybe ask yourself why you need to ask others?


kissmekate48 t1_j9tj7ff wrote

Also, houses and the things around them make all sorts of weird sounds.


Spongeman735 t1_j9tutjc wrote

Could be god… or someone broke into your house and is hiding in your closet, waiting for you to go back to sleep.


roomrider t1_j9ucxeg wrote

Whether it is just a coincidence or a sign from God is up to what you choose to believe. Believing in God is very much a conscious choice. Nobody can tell you definitively what the meaning of that sound was.

Also please use paragraph breaks next time.


keepthetips t1_j9svqn1 wrote

Hello and welcome to r/LifeProTips!

Please help us decide if this post is a good fit for the subreddit by up or downvoting this comment.

If you think that this is great advice to improve your life, please upvote. If you think this doesn't help you in any way, please downvote. If you don't care, leave it for the others to decide.


Amarilys305 t1_j9t3vn1 wrote

It definitely could have been God if you interpret it that way. Some people believe that God has a team including angels and saints that intercede on your behalf. Maybe it was a higher being and not necessarily God. Or maybe it was a demon or a pan falling inside a closet. Who knows? It’s whatever you make it to be. Best to you.


Rheumatitude t1_j9toc1g wrote

"The voice on the subway was not God"


Fantastic_Baseball45 t1_j9uklsi wrote

"The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement halls." Sound of Silence Simon & Garfunkel


OrangeBlood1971 t1_j9tpvs0 wrote

The real answer is...."you don't know". And that's okay. You don't have any evidence that supports it being something supernatural. You just don't have an explanation for it. It's an unknown, that's all. Trying to attribute it to the supernatural is trying to fill in the gap of knowledge you currently have about the subject. Nothing more, nothing less.

Humans inherently want to understand things and we're very inclined, by our brains, to seek patterns and connect dots. If we can't really connect them in a way we can prove directly, we'll come up with something that somewhat fits, even if it's not supported by the evidence.

When humans didn't understand the orbits and rotations of the solar system, but saw patterns like the sun moving across the sky with different paths that correlated to the seasons, we came up with gods like Shams (Arabic, before Muhammad), Helios (Greek), Apollo (Roman), Tonatiuh (Aztec), Inti (Incan), Taiyang Shen (Chinese), Surya (Hindu) and Ra (Egyptian) and many others via various older religions. When Copernicus enlightened us as to what was actually happening, we moved away from believing in those gods because we now had an answer that satisfied the patterns we saw and was actually provable.

Your situation is similar. You experienced something: a loud noise that you could not explain while you were discussing something. You're connecting those dots, though there's no evidence to support a connection, because you want an explanation for what happened. If/when you find out what caused the noise, you'll no longer make that connection because you have the answer.


tpf52 t1_j9udolq wrote

Reminds me of when we were kids and used to go around with the three man water balloon launcher and lob water balloons onto the tops of friends houses late at night, always made such a satisfying boom.

I really hope I messed with one of my friends heads this much. But really we’d just wait for them to walk out the front door then try to hit them with a water balloon.

Personally I find this story a perfect example of how people use “god” to explain everything they don’t understand.


marlakd t1_j9ugkk3 wrote

I have the same question I always have about things like this. If God wanted to send you a message, what reason would he have for being so vague? So absolutely ambiguous. If he's omnipotent and has information for you, surely a loud noise is not an effective way to share it.

Other ineffective ways to send important messages include: floods, diseases, unexplained substances appearing on religious statues, images on toast, etc.


Fantastic_Baseball45 t1_j9uj5zf wrote

There is a movie called The God's Must Be Crazy". It is a hoot to watch. Remote tribe finds a coca cola bottle in the desert and consider it to be a message from God.


hyalimoe t1_j9sxixz wrote

I dont understand why im getting down voted on my comments? I am just saying what happened and speaking my mind. Do people not like someone that speaks or talks about a legit situation that has happened with him?


mossydeerbones t1_j9syj8p wrote

I think it's the way you have already decided it was God and won't accept that it wasn't God so it's like, why did your even make this post if you were just gonna reply to everyone with "no it couldn't have been someone throwing a rock at my house. I checked. It was God. Also I'm not religious I'm just Muslim (religious) and believe in Allah (religious)."


hyalimoe t1_j9syrl1 wrote

I literally did not decide, i dont know where i said i decided it was god? I just said "could it have been god?" It was a question. I said it couldnt be a person throwing a rock, etc, because my house is far from other houses and the road. It is gated and i live on a 3 acre land. Thats why i said how could a person throw a rock, etc...


mossydeerbones t1_j9sznhw wrote

You said;

"It is not possible, everyone is sleeping and animals dont usually get into our house, theres nothing to be knocked over outside except our patio stuff which are super heavy to move. Also, as soon as i heard the bang i rushed to check, checked all of the house, and checked outside. Everything is in place and nothing seems to be unusual."


hyalimoe t1_j9szu7l wrote

Yeah man i said its not possible for a squirrel or a person. I did not say it was god. I said its not possible because the sound was super loud as if a tire has blown. A rock or a squirrel would make way less sound.