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Henri_Dupont t1_ja7ofw0 wrote

We had a household once where we took turns doing the dishes. It was your turn until you did all of them. If you waited a coupla days it was still your turn, but the stack was higher. Kind of self limiting behavior for the slackers.


Zarochi t1_ja9kkzd wrote

My ex-wife wanted to do this, but she'd still only do a single load of dishes after waiting over a week to touch them. Then she'd act all like the hero when she washed like 20/100 dishes and was like. "Now it's your turn!"

Moral of the story, don't be my ex-wife if you're going to do this.


Aksweetie4u t1_jaat8x8 wrote

Sounds like my ex-gf. She would procrastinate on cleaning, and then clean for a couple hours one morning (not making a dent) and would be like “I’m sooo exhausted from cleaning so much!” Never mind that was just the mess she left in her room from the last month. But really it was just a show so that counseling appointment that was scheduled for that morning she would have something to say like “I am the only one that cleans!”

She also yelled at me when I moved in for (trying to help) putting the dirty dishes in the dishwasher, but because it wasn’t a full load, someone thought it was clean and put dirty dishes away. I couldn’t believe they would let the dirty dishes pile up for days at a time and not be grossed out.

It didn’t take long after having to do 5+ loads of dishes a week (I’m one person and there were 4 others in the house) where I just said screw it and washed and put away my dishes each time leaving them to their mess. Was an eye opener for them that I did not move in to be their maid.


Cynical_Egg t1_jacgha6 wrote

My ex husband used to complain he had no way to know whether the dishes in the dishwasher were dirty or clean. We had one that was a "no prerinse" kind. If you open the washer and it smells like onions and there are ketchup smears on the plates, it's dirty bro...


Carlstonio t1_jac9avr wrote

My ex's family used to this when they daughters were all teenagers. It fell apart because they had a tiny house, and the rule was that if you weren't in for dinner that day (as teens often aren't), it was still your turn to wash up. It ended up me going there and just washing up whenever I could as you couldn't use the kitchen otherwise.


Queeg_500 t1_ja93j67 wrote

Until you get to the guy who is happy to eat cereal out of a shoe...


2manyteacups t1_ja9bgmb wrote

how about Baileys from a shoe


LorenzoStomp t1_ja9kaou wrote

Depends on whether I'm in a club where people wee on each other


ChrisGeritol t1_ja894j3 wrote

I'm down for that. I'll use a spoon and wash it. Now, it's your turn again :). I'm all about malicious compliance.


acxswitch t1_ja8bq4j wrote

I imagine it's a per day system. If you don't do dishes on your day, tomorrow is your day again.