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Brokecursor69420 t1_ja1t3al wrote

So basically touch grass? Ok, the door to the outside is 1 feet away, I can do it.


Altruistic-Excuse-22 t1_ja1obp3 wrote

Taking a break from your phone can be a great way to stay focused and present in the moment. It can also provide a great sense of peace and relaxation. Additionally, it can be a great way to connect with people around you, as you can give them your full attention.


yParticle t1_ja2517i wrote

Not just sometimes. Turn off ALL your notifications and then just turn them on for those individuals and apps you want to be able to actually interrupt you versus reading their messages in your own time.


Linkcastle t1_ja2waof wrote

I changed all the sounds for the types of notifications I get, so I know I got the notification, but also what kind of thing it was for.

Just the other day, someone told me my phone went off and my response was just "It's an Email on my Personal Account, it can wait"


OtherworldDk OP t1_ja38eh5 wrote

The idea here is to turn the phone off. Not just the sound, not the notifications, the actual device. It's different.


PrisonerV t1_ja348z1 wrote

You kids have a weird attachment to your phones. I just leave mine on but don't look at it when it isn't appropriate. Say at a sit down dinner, when I'm working, when I'm chatting with someone, or when I drive the god damned car down the highway!


keepthetips t1_ja1mt6m wrote

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OldSongBird t1_ja1x1e0 wrote

This is a great tip. I should do it more.

Sometimes it’s hard with my job. Shit can hit the fan at anytime (IT).

I now charge my phone overnight in a separate room. This way my phone isn’t tempting to grab through the night, or first think in the morning.

Has helped my quality of life quite a bit.


deadlywaffle139 t1_ja1x9zz wrote

I cook with recipes on my phone 😂


ChrisGeritol t1_ja2hsxr wrote

Your phone isn't a great cooking device. You might try an oven.


4Ozonia t1_ja2q59i wrote

Using DND often, and I don’t allow notifications on much except calls and text. When I want to know if I got email, I choose when to go look, for example. Also have my phone on vibrate 80% of the time.