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Fun_Amount3063 t1_ja3vqbu wrote

jfc stop overthinking basic ass conversations


rumomelet t1_ja3wnvg wrote

It's a pet peeve of mine - a question that comes up a fair amount when talking to someone new, but always elicits the same kind of response, I find (eg "I like everything except for country")


Fun_Amount3063 t1_ja3xmv2 wrote

Again, stop overthinking basic conversation. It's a pet peeve because you're overthinking it.


rumomelet t1_ja3xveb wrote

Try it out sometime! I promise it won't be so bad.


Fun_Amount3063 t1_ja40mmd wrote

I’ve never been bothered by asking or answering this question. It’s a simple question with a simple answer. And I used to be a writer and producer.

I promise it won’t be so bad if you remove your head from your ass.


timmyboyoyo t1_ja4cemr wrote

Why is it peeve, that mean they like a lot, ask more question