Submitted by D10Sargentine t3_113n3um in LifeProTips

Sometimes when you try to shut down your Windows computer and it says “update and shut down”, it’s better to choose “Update and Restart”.

This will save you time the next morning when you start your computer again because if you update and shut down, the next time you turn it on it needs much more time to work due to the updates.

Whereas if you update and restart, it will do all the work it needs to do while you are home, so the next morning you will be ready to start as soon as you get to the office without having to wait for the updates.



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wallacepgames t1_j8r36ci wrote

Also along the same wavelength, disable Windows Fast Boot if you are using an SSD.

Causes no end of random issues for our users and first thing we notice is high uptimes and restart often fix. Cliche but turn it off and on again is restart thanks to Fast Boot


somohapian t1_j8r3pj4 wrote

I really thought the LPT was going to be “shut it down, you’ll have more coffee time tomorrow morning.”


HoiHoor t1_j8rd6c1 wrote

If I'm not getting paid, I'm not making my machine work! It can run it's update of the company dime. That's on solidarity.


Rahiya t1_j8s62ak wrote

Not only are you wasting energy, you’re stealing slack time from yourself. Dumb and dumber.