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keepthetips t1_ja1biar wrote

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bernieburner1 t1_ja1e1us wrote

Won’t they just think that you’re stupid if you see an “I’m the Bride” sash and conclude that it’s a birthday party?


Astranoth t1_ja1e4x6 wrote

This is both a bad tip and quite an intrusive tactic.

They are celebrating together, just let them


Zookeeper-007 t1_ja1fyhd wrote

This is a dumb tip. You could say hello or congrats! If they want to talk to you they will.


MKE_Now t1_ja1gofh wrote

Online, At Bars, Clubs, Concerts, Other Group Events. If there is a free flowing social environment (easy way to tell is if there is drinking beyond a casual cocktail, general mingling by the majority of the place) it’s not a bad time. If it’s a gym, or other weird thing like that then you can fuck right off.


CaptainObvious007 t1_ja1hf3l wrote

funerals are insane, the chicks are so horny, its not even fair, its like fishing with dynamite


Obwyn t1_ja1hjke wrote

LPT on how to be a douchebag. Lol


cyberdeath666 t1_ja1iuug wrote

Manipulating a group of people to get an in is not a respectable way to approach anyone. Does it work sometimes, sure. Is it still a d-bag move? Yes. And I’m getting married in a few months so I’ve obviously approached someone, and not with tacky shit like this.


cyberdeath666 t1_ja1j4iy wrote

10/10 would think OP is an absolute idiot or clearly trying to manipulate. Either way, this is a dumb opinion from a frat bro, and definitely not a LPT any respectful person should consider. If OP had balls they wouldn’t need to lie their way into a conversation, they’d just talk to the group as if he actually respected them and didn’t just want to fuck them. And if you do happen to attract the girl that just wants to fuck and doesn’t care about being lied to, well, have fun I guess. Still gross advice that no one should follow.


Empire2k5 t1_ja1n7ck wrote

Lpt: how to be an annoying shit.


3dogs2nuts t1_ja1o7pe wrote

Its kind of like when i meet an Englishman in a bar. I always ask “are you from Australia mate?” (In my worst fake Australian accent)

“Fuck no I’m English is always the reply”


MKE_Now t1_ja1pibo wrote

So by the same token if I go up and say “hi I’m ____ congratulations on the wedding” that’s somehow more respectable? Am I not still invading their space and not giving them an easy out to tell me off if they’re not interested in talking?


MKE_Now t1_ja1q7ix wrote

Or is this approach giving them an easy out to not talk to someone if they don’t want to by simply correcting them and moving on, versus having to put them in a position of having to actually reject someone nice futility starting a conversation?


alxmg t1_ja1qduf wrote

I think you got the wrong sub, this isn’t shitty life protips


cyberdeath666 t1_ja1qeu9 wrote

If you think that blatantly manipulating people to get a conversation started is equivalent to being honest and introducing yourself, regardless of the outcome, you might want to re-evaluate. One is lying, the other isn’t. Not sure why that’s so hard to understand. Either way, how about just let them enjoy their night without trying to get your dick wet? They’re not there for you that night, or maybe any other night, especially with the way you feel it’s fine to manipulate them for your own gain.


[deleted] OP t1_ja1qvz6 wrote

Don’t even respond to this person lol they probably don’t like comedy shows because all the stories aren’t “real” and they’re manipulating the crowd into laughing


carpemike t1_ja1r5op wrote

LPT: use cheesy pickup tactics instead of just being cool and talking to people


MKE_Now t1_ja1r5ra wrote

Seriously, a little breaking the ice tip and all of a sudden it makes me Mystery from VH1s “The Pickup Artist”… dude whatever you do after this is your business, it’s not about trying to have a one night stand.


upbeat22 t1_ja1ykz0 wrote

I dont get all the negativity. How you approach someone or a group depends on how you delier something. Saying this with a smile on your face can get you away with a lot, meaning it is just to have a laugh.


mintysmellshowntell t1_ja2792q wrote

"Get you away with a lot"?

What a way to put it when you are trying to argue for this type of thing as justifiably innocent. Not saying it is or isn't, but saying you're "getting away with something" just does nothing to emphasize the innocence of anything


PeepholeRodeo t1_ja27fs8 wrote

Or you could just be a decent human being and treat them like people instead of marks. This is why you’re not getting laid, btw.


upbeat22 t1_ja2iis7 wrote

What are you trying to say?

I just mean to say, and that is how I read the post of OP, is making a joke on something obvious as a way to get introduced and maybe enjoy the company of other people. You can say a lot of things with a smile so people know you are being playful.


I_onno t1_ja2whr9 wrote

I was baffled and then just started laughing when I got to the party that a group out minding their own business while celebrating a friend is high strung because they don't want some random dude harassing them with bs.


Dry-Writer663 t1_ja304yo wrote

I’m using this at your sister’s party and then I’m going to bang TF out of her


Razzmatazz2255 t1_ja30ye6 wrote

This is the most self-absorbed, douchey, cringe-worthy tip I've seen.

May someone eventually teach you enough game that you don't have to scavenge female attention by making strangers' special occasions about your loneliness.


DM_Me_Pics1234403 t1_ja313i9 wrote

Are there people who have never had to break the ice with a stranger before? At school? At work? To find a romantic partner? I’m not sure how you can get through life having never met anyone you didn’t already know