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MackeyH t1_ja653yj wrote

There's this place called Wal-Mart. You should check it out. Go in there and when the old lady says "Welcome to Wal-Mart" you say,

"Where the hell is the hydrogen peroxide, lady."


[deleted] t1_ja661ns wrote



kittym-206 t1_ja672q9 wrote

It's a common household product. Most people keep it for cleaning scrapes and removing bood stains. Ask your mom, she likely has some.


Molluska42 t1_ja6aoi4 wrote

Hey, honestly, you won't use all of the hydrogen peroxide in one go. You need to get a towel and put it on the opposite side of the fabric, get the bottle of hydrogen peroxide and pour some onto the stain, and dab with another towel.

You can alternatively use some oxyclean dissolved in water in place of the hydrogen peroxide.

Just ask your folks to get some, if they're reasonable people they'll understand. It's like one dollar.

Unless you're trying to conceal that you're cleaning blood off your sheets. In that case I would say to borrow a bottle from a trusted friend or something.

Anyway, idk your life but good luck !


MickeyM191 t1_ja6z3cn wrote

>You need to get a towel and put it on the opposite side of the fabric, get the bottle of hydrogen peroxide and pour some onto the stain, and dab with another towel.

To add to this, the stain can bleed (woops there's a pun) into the towel you use so use something appropriately colored or that you don't care if it gets stained.