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SustEng t1_ja603a5 wrote

Hydrogen peroxide dissolves blood. Neutralizes to water too.


36-3 t1_ja7225y wrote

After 2 months it gets some but not all the blood stain


kokichissoulwife OP t1_ja62jdc wrote

thank you for answering but i don’t think i have hydrogen peroxide


eye_snap t1_ja6j2eb wrote

Its sold everywhere. Its not some difficult to find chemical. But it ll ruin your bedsheets unless they are white sheets.


0-768457 t1_ja9r8s4 wrote

It’s pretty cheap at most stores, and you can even get it at a lot of convenience stores. I know for s fact that places like Rite Aid and Walgreens have it for only a few dollars


Boring-Pudding t1_ja608av wrote

Have you tried the cold wash and hydrogen peroxide treatment?

Spraying Shout works, too.

Or just replace the bedsheets. If you've had them long enough to not notice the blood stain, you should probably invest in a second set of bedsheets anyway.


timmyboyoyo t1_ja61e2r wrote

How long should sheet last?


Kat121 t1_ja6wfky wrote

You should probably change your sheets at least every other week, your pillow cases every week. It keeps dust mites and allergens down, and there are a lot of oils and dirt in your hair that can cause acne problems.


onlyheretolurktoday t1_ja7ge2t wrote

I have two twin adjustable beds put together for a king. I always hated waiting for a large load of laundry then having to spend so much time folding and sorting the massive load.

Now I wash one full set of sheets and blankets from one of the beds each week with whatever clothes me and my son have accumulated all week. Blanket and sheets get washed every 2 weeks snd my laundry folding is quick.


kokichissoulwife OP t1_ja61jtz wrote

hmm i don’t think i have hydrogen peroxide


MackeyH t1_ja653yj wrote

There's this place called Wal-Mart. You should check it out. Go in there and when the old lady says "Welcome to Wal-Mart" you say,

"Where the hell is the hydrogen peroxide, lady."


[deleted] t1_ja661ns wrote



kittym-206 t1_ja672q9 wrote

It's a common household product. Most people keep it for cleaning scrapes and removing bood stains. Ask your mom, she likely has some.


Molluska42 t1_ja6aoi4 wrote

Hey, honestly, you won't use all of the hydrogen peroxide in one go. You need to get a towel and put it on the opposite side of the fabric, get the bottle of hydrogen peroxide and pour some onto the stain, and dab with another towel.

You can alternatively use some oxyclean dissolved in water in place of the hydrogen peroxide.

Just ask your folks to get some, if they're reasonable people they'll understand. It's like one dollar.

Unless you're trying to conceal that you're cleaning blood off your sheets. In that case I would say to borrow a bottle from a trusted friend or something.

Anyway, idk your life but good luck !


MickeyM191 t1_ja6z3cn wrote

>You need to get a towel and put it on the opposite side of the fabric, get the bottle of hydrogen peroxide and pour some onto the stain, and dab with another towel.

To add to this, the stain can bleed (woops there's a pun) into the towel you use so use something appropriately colored or that you don't care if it gets stained.


Flyingtypewriter t1_ja76p4f wrote

It’s very cheap usually no more than $2.00. You can buy it at like the dollar store, a pharmacy, grocery store etc


CrayziusMaximus t1_ja637as wrote

I recommend trying an enzyme cleaner. We use Puracy, which does amazing things like remove oil stains, tomato stains, and even urine smell.


Chemical-Star8920 t1_ja63pq2 wrote

You can buy special products for this. If you want to try household items first, try making a paste out of baking soda, salt, and water. Let it sit on the stain for a bit and then add some more water and scrub the sheet by rubbing it against itself (the salt granules will do the scrubbing part). It works better if you haven’t tried to wash it already but it might be worth a try.


lakehop t1_ja6e068 wrote

In future … before you wash it, put it under a cold tap, rub bar soap on the stain, then rub vigorously (fabric on fabric - either two stained parts, or stained and unstained). Rinse, repeat. Then turn around to the other side of the fabric, rub soap, rub fabric vigorously again (ie repeat). This should get rid of at least 90% of it - repeat again if needed.


lindsey__19 t1_ja88e2p wrote

…or save all that time and energy and get hydrogen peroxide. It dissolves blood.


slope11215 t1_ja6fo8p wrote

You might want to wash sheets more often than once a month.


Relevant_Commission5 t1_ja651mm wrote

Folex for the win! Buy it at Lowe’s- it can be used to clean stains in carpet and works miracles on clothes too!


trinnerkat t1_ja6cse5 wrote

saliva works on fresh blood. idk about dried though.


teejaysaz t1_ja6r8ed wrote

Oxy-clean is as amazing as they tell you it is! Let that sh*t soak in for a week, and the wash it right out.


Ladymistery t1_ja6e0ey wrote

I had a blood stain that was set by a dryer

I used oxyclean and water and soaked it for a couple of hours


Equal-Departure-9435 t1_ja7xit4 wrote

Hydrogen Peroxide

Dish soap


Oxi Clean


Those are my top four solutions for cleaning blood out of clothing. Treat, let sit, then wash with cold water. Sometimes I even scrub the stain with an ice cube. Nine times out of ten the stain relents.


Late-Jicama5012 t1_ja6qaym wrote

Hydrogen Peroxide is amazing when it comes removing blood stains. You will have to use a bit of elbow grease, and afterwards toss a clothing in to a washing machine.

Years ago I adopted a 7month old female dog from a friend. A month or two later she had her first period. With in 3 days, my bed covers looked liked a murder scene. A lot of blood stains, blood stains on carpet all over the house.

I bought reusable dog diapers and maxi pads for her.

But Hydrogen Peroxide removed ALL blood stains. It took several hours, a lot of work, and several microfiber pads. But I was able to remove all blood stains.


Davo_Dinkum t1_ja6zrlk wrote

Change your bedsheets more than once a month you animal!!


thisismynewaccountig t1_ja7ng9s wrote

Piggybacking on OPs post if anyone feels like answering. How to get years old urine stains out of mattress? They were treated with pet cleaner at the time it occurred and don’t smell, but the stain is there and I want to get rid of it


jnemesh t1_jaa3c3b wrote

"nosebleed"...uh huh. /r/howtocoverupamurder more likely :) (joking, completely joking)


marcvanh t1_ja637oa wrote

Just rinse it in cold water. If it hasn’t gotten hot, it hasn’t set.


Ahab_Ali t1_ja6cffl wrote

Enzyme solutions like Nature's Miracle will break up blood.


FlowJock t1_ja6cmma wrote

Salt might work.

Look instructions up on the internet. There are a couple of different methods.


McDankenov t1_ja6ktht wrote

Nice try Alex Murdaugh, no one’s buying the nose bleed excuse.


molmelmal t1_ja6r2we wrote

Dish soap scrubbed in first then simple green scrubbed in let sit for 24 hrs and wash. Its miraculous.


Dangercakes13 t1_ja6xqmh wrote

Ice cube, paper towel and elbow grease. It's more of an immediate-response solution but it does work surprisingly well on blood. I sold a couch to a friend and they had no clue there was a sex-induced period stain hiding in its history.


cblguy82 t1_ja7m7ru wrote

Found a trick for blood as I had a nose bleed on my pillowcase a month ago. This method worked so well I couldn't believe it.

Soak the spot in some hydrogen peroxide as others have said, maybe 20-30 minutes. Squeeze out any excess so it is not dripping. Then using a clothes iron and hot iron over the stain for about 20 seconds or so and then repeat the process with the hydrogen peroxide and hot iron again a few times until the stain is completely gone or just has an ever so slightly faint outline of what it once was.

Then once gone, give it a light wash in the machine as normal.


keepthetips t1_ja5zq2d wrote

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ghambone t1_ja6975d wrote

Hydrogen peroxide


adariella t1_ja6o5c8 wrote

I really love Oxiclean Maxforce for all stains, old and new. If it's and old stain let it set for a week before washing like normal.


Anandwks1 t1_ja6q3c3 wrote

Ox gall soap but it smells little bit


foxy1009 t1_ja6tka8 wrote

Carbona Stain Devils for blood & ice cream. Will take it right out.


Medical-Passenger560 t1_ja6ya22 wrote

A tiny drop of dishwasher liquid, mixed with peroxide (easily available at your local pharmacy/drugstore), apply to stain, let it sit for 10 min, rinse, then wash your sheets Normally.


Odd_Investigator3137 t1_ja6yr8e wrote

Meat tenderizer, Mixed in with warm water and a mild soap solution.


moose4868 t1_ja6z2zx wrote

Baking soda and lemon juice (use real lemons). Gently rub in and rinse, rub in and rinse. Over and over. Takes a little while if it’s an old blood stain. But works I promise.


peacefighter t1_ja75g39 wrote

Also how do you get that funky dead body smell out of a carpet? It is for my friend....


CherrieChocolatePie t1_ja79fmm wrote

Put some dishwasher shine liquid on it. Let it sit for an hour and wash like usual. Repeat if necessary. It is the best stain removal product I have ever tried and I have tried a lot. I don't even own a dishwasher so I buy this product specifically for stain removal.


Mtoastyo t1_ja7ertn wrote

You can use acid to dissolve the body


Smallios t1_ja7n9oy wrote

Hydrogen peroxide


youarestellarrr t1_ja86sci wrote

Try peroxide and cold water but it’s probably pretty settled


Calm-Vegetable-2162 t1_ja86xi7 wrote

  1. Hydrogen peroxide, allow to soak, blot, more hydrogen peroxide, allow to soak, SHOUT stain remover, wash, dry
  2. If that doesn't work,,, brake cleaner, allow to dry, spray of SHOUT stain remover, wash, dry.

WhatCanIMakeToday t1_ja88mdw wrote

Oxiclean. Works magic.

Soaking stained items in it overnight has removed every single stain I've tried it on.

Obviously, exercise caution with items that could discolor.


Emotional-Ebb8321 t1_ja8blfl wrote

You screwed up when you put it in the machine. The heat will have cooked the protein into the cloth.


_who_can_say_ t1_ja8gaj9 wrote

Resolve carpet cleaner has saved me a couple of times. I think it actually used to be marketed as a laundry stain remover but has since retired to the carpet cleaning area of the grocery aisle.


beniceeveryday t1_ja8gky3 wrote

Equal parts Dawn and hydrogen peroxide.


NVPcMan t1_ja8hrvu wrote

Depending on how much your sheets cost, just buy new ones. Weigh the effort and cost of cleaning products vs replacement sheets.


MrGreenJeanson t1_ja8jig6 wrote

shampoo works pretty well - just be sure to use a type that has no conditioner in it.


KathandChloe t1_ja8q9xu wrote

Soak it in straight Bronner's liquid soap for an hour then go at it with a toothbrush with some water. Bronner's soap seems to work on everything! Good luck


YirAfarKonukr t1_ja8qalz wrote

All you have to do is pull the stained fabric up and twist it until it resembles the shape of a straw. Then, insert it into your butthole.


themissyoshi t1_ja8rhpd wrote

Never had a better cleanse for any type of stain than Folex. White bottle, purple letters. Seems cheap because it doesn’t have a flashy bottle, but it’s taken out every stain I’ve come across


Kristishere t1_ja8tzyf wrote

Lestoil. Great for blood, grass, and grease based stains. Works on old stains too.


Ilefttherightturn t1_ja8zj88 wrote

Hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, let dry. Then vinegar on top of that. Don’t mix vinegar and hydrogen peroxide in the same bottle. It creates an unstable form of peracetic acid. Peracetic acid us used in an industrial setting as a disinfectant. Corrosive tho, so not recommend Ed for household.

If all else fails, dye your sheets a nice rich color. Also great for giving life to dingy clothes you’re tired of.


Contrabassss t1_ja96um3 wrote

Nothing that you already have by the sounds of it. Guess the only choice is to burn the sheet


RedsRaver t1_ja9fz2r wrote

Never underestimate the power of Oxyclean.

Not a paid endorsement.


matangi69 t1_ja9h9f0 wrote

A soak in highly salted water has always worked for me. I don’t know why


thecasualchemist t1_ja9wd0q wrote

Woolite oxy insta clean is my go-to - the one with the attached lime green scrubber brush thing. You can get it at target.

My fiance accidentally spilled an entire glass of red wine on a vintage yellow fabric armchair. Woolite got this out in seconds. It was like watching a magic trick, and it didn't damage the yellow fabric of the chair at all.


TommyTuttle t1_ja9xwne wrote

Cold water works only if you do it first. Hot water sets the stain which makes it a lot more difficult.


BBBPub t1_jaa04c4 wrote

A month!? Throw those nasty sheets away.


shaysalterego t1_ja6i392 wrote

Assuming it's already been through the dryer, most likely your stain is set and won't come out (sorry), at least the sheets are dark and the stain isn't so bold
