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coffeeandlattee OP t1_jadtz00 wrote

I know and you’re right. The rational and logical side of me tells me same thing.

The emotional side of me keeps wondering why she invited people who are equally just not as close. I don’t feel left out, I am being left out.

I know I don’t deserve an explanation. But have you ever been left? It hurts so much and I keep thinking negatively about myself.


sephiroth3650 t1_jadv334 wrote

I think most everybody has been "left out" at some point in their lives. I'd be willing to bet that most people get left out of things on a regular basis. That's just a part of life. At a certain point, everybody needs to accept that it's a part of everyday life. Very few of us are going to be included in everything for everybody around us. For me, I accept that it will happen, and I move on. I focus on the things I can control. I focus on the people that do want to spend time with me. It's self-destructive to do anything else with it.