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FreshFondant t1_jad3srw wrote

THANK YOU for this suggestion. I had a horribly embarrassing and unfortunate situation that happened to me a few years ago at a Dollar General. I would NEVER enter a restroom that is out of order. I was in the most desperate "need-to-go" emergency I've ever been in. This is a one toilet room. I almost didn't make it because I had to go sooooo bad. It was also an emergency poo situation that came on suddenly and I had mere seconds to find a restroom. I get inside, lock the door, sit down and do my business. It was the largest "chocolate soft serve ice cream" poo I had ever done. At the very end I see a small corner shelf right in front of me. I notice there is a toilet handle with the whole flushing handle mechanism sitting there. Suddenly I had a horrifying thought. This surely cannot be the handle for the toilet I am on! I slowly stand up, look behind, and sure as shit it IS the handle. That's not all. Not even close to being all. It is at this point I realized that in my desperate need to not shit my pants I didn't see that the BACK TANK LID WAS OFF AND THERE WAS NO WATER IN THERE, NOR IN THE BOWL. I had just done the equivalent of going into Lowe's and shitting in a display toilet. PANIC...PANIC...PANIC...WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO DO???? It's at that moment I see a neon pink paper on the floor. I pick it up. On the other side there is a handwritten sign that says Out Of Order. The damn sign had been taped on the outside door, came off, and slipped under the door. WTF am I supposed to do now? I can't flush it! Total panic. Like red face, flapping my hands, racing thoughts panic. So what did I do? I peeked out the door, made sure nobody was around, and sprinted out the door. WHY WAS THE DOOR NOT LOCKED? WHY WAS THERE NOT A SIGN ON BOTH THE DOOR AND THE TOILET? I just hope they knew enough to fill a bucket with water and put it in the bowl as that would flush it. I hope to god nobody dug it out by hand!!! I did not go back in that store for more than 2 years. Over the years I have told this story and laughed so hard I could barely get it out. Being able to type it out was so much easier. Learn from me, friends, learn from me.


MVPbeast t1_jadqi3p wrote

They’ve probably got a picture up on the wall of you. But instead of “BANNED” or “NO ENTRY” it just says “Why…?”


FreshFondant t1_jadzshk wrote

Yah I bet! It also probably said "Do you know this woman?"