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joescott2176 t1_j8v249f wrote

Wash in cold, don't use the dryer, at least with jeans. I have 2 pairs that I wash like this so they always look new. 2 years on and they dont have so much as a frayed edge.


sensible__ OP t1_j8v2iqe wrote

Yeah good advice, I’ve been off driers for a couple years now and find it helps. Any product recommendations in terms of washing liquid or conditioner?


joescott2176 t1_j8v2p9z wrote

I use the chesp shit. Arm & Hammer detergent and dryer sheets, nothing special otherwise.


FiveDirtyDishes t1_j8v2gfn wrote

If you use a dryer, stop. Air drying will add a ton of time to the lifespan of your clothes. I started air drying my jeans, crewnecks, and shirts. They feel better and the smell of the laundry detergent stays in the clothes. Makes a huge difference.


your_fav_ant t1_j8vkui2 wrote

Whenever I hang dry towels from the dryer (with much less detergent than the instructions recommend and using an extra rinse cycle), they end up feeling coarse. If I dry in a dryer, even on low heat, they feel soft. How do you get towels and clothes feeling soft and fluffy without using a dryer?


sensible__ OP t1_j8v2kxk wrote

I’m right there with you on team air dry.


FiveDirtyDishes t1_j8v2t42 wrote

And for washing, use cold water


QueasyAd1142 t1_j8veoc0 wrote

Not if your washing stuff that’s greasy or if you’re trying to remove a stain of some sort and using something like Shout.


dgmahfudga23 t1_j8v3ptn wrote

How do you air dry and keep them from getting wrinkly?


Pfan97 t1_j8wlpdh wrote

I usually put them in the dryer for 5-10 minutes to get the wrinkles and static out then hang everything to air dry


BunInTheSun27 t1_j8vfonn wrote

Lay flat works but it’s a pain in the ass sometimes. You can also buy a folding drying rack if the knit can support itself (a problem with women’s clothes sometimes, idk about men’s).


Informal-Interview87 t1_j8wny1b wrote

I have a drying rack that I drape my clothes over helps with wrinkles, but I'll do I light iron if needed.


frzn_dad t1_j8y7bsj wrote

Do your clothes feel best when they are new? The only new clothes I love are socks. Everything seems so much better about 20 washes in.

Anything with elastic don't dry on high heat. It breaks it down so fast.


throowaawayyyy t1_j8wuwva wrote

When you say new, maybe you I looking for the stiffness. Try starching and ironing!


keepthetips t1_j8v1rq0 wrote

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existential_rollin t1_j8xcc51 wrote

I always air dry but hate when my crewneck collars get wrinkly! Any tips on keeping them nice and flat?


No_Perspective_242 t1_j8zrv8d wrote

As others have said, wash in cold and hang dry. I haven’t used a dryer in years and even my cheap clothes have lasted. Also get a couple mesh bags to protect delicate items.


Okay_Bluebird t1_j9516hv wrote

Be sure to put bras and anything delicate in a mesh bag. You also should sort your laundry by colour and hang it to dry. I also recommend not overlooking ironing. Having things not wrinkly and creased nicely in the right place makes them feel better to wear! I only use conditioner when I want something softer or if I’ve accidentally shrunk something. If that’s the case I hand wash with hair conditioner in the sink.