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FlamingoWalrus89 t1_j9y56fg wrote

You're right. I was viewing this post entirely from a professional lens, and I didn't even realize it until now. That's actually kind of disturbing that my brain basically forgot that humans can meet other humans for purposes other than building a professional relationship (fuck, I need a vacation).

You're 100% right and my comments look pretty ridiculous now lol.

Edit: I've done a few work trips lately and always enjoy chit-chating with people I meet at the airport or in the plane. But this is all just friendly small talk, not the foundation of a new friendship. My mind went to all the new people I've met, and all were clients, colleagues, vendors, or these fleeting moments with another passenger on a trip. Still, it's sad that my mind went to these examples only. But, with those kinds of interactions in mind, I think my opinion still stands.