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MaleficentTop6074 t1_j9xenac wrote

Try emotional labelling.. It's a really simple technique that can be super helpful in managing your emotions. Basically, you just label your emotions in a clear and concise way. So, if you're feeling sad, you might say to yourself 'I'm feeling sad right now.' It might sound too simple to be effective, but research has shown that it can actually help reduce the intensity of your emotions and promote emotional regulation. And if you use specific language to label your emotions, like 'I'm feeling disappointed because I didn't get the job I wanted,' it can help you understand the root cause of your emotions and address them more effectively. It won't completely stop you from feeling emotions, but it can help you manage them better. Give it a try and see if it works for you! Also, try positive affirmations. repeating affirmations like "I am strong" or "I am capable," you can build a more positive self-image and reduce the impact of negative emotions.


realityGrtrThanUs t1_j9xyjgo wrote

Best answer here. Labeling promotes mindfulness. Thinking about how you feel will also slow down your reflexive response. Keep thinking about how you feel and why you feel that way. You are a rational being. Get to know yourself!


kati9617 t1_j9zs5d4 wrote

That is the best advice I believe I have ever heard! Oh wow thank you! I have spent so many years putting my self down. Now I'm desperately trying to get better, I don't know what to say to myself. This actually makes sense! I can say, you're ok, or you're fine doing that, or whatever, but this is a way to say, look I screwed up. It's ok because I'm sad, or mad, or scared or whatever and learn to forgive myself! This is so cool! I love it, thank you so so much!


timmyboyoyo t1_j9y8rxy wrote

Do you say it out loud or in your head only?


GreyJeanix t1_ja1v0ff wrote

I think either is fine, you can also write it - there are templated journals to help work through emotions like this


scaleofthought t1_j9z9b5k wrote

Out loud. And after saying it take a moment to acknowledge what you just said.


Vortamock t1_j9xhk0b wrote

Based on everything I know about psychology, which admittedly isn't much, this should be work and will be most effective if practiced daily for at least 66 consecutive days when you begin.


timmyboyoyo t1_j9y8wjl wrote

Why 66


Vortamock t1_j9yrmuj wrote

That's the average amount of days they say it takes to break a habit or form a new one. This indicates to me that this is how long it takes to convince your subconscious of something. I had a class in college where the entire premise was that if you convince yourself of something, your subconscious will strive to make it happen. I've heard a similar concept from other places as well.

I'm not a psychologist, but this indicates to me that if you were to form a new habit by doing this for 66 days, you will convince your subconscious of it, which will in turn cause it to manifest into reality ie: you can train yourself to be more positive