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EvolvingMind OP t1_jacr7s3 wrote

Interestingly enough, the first coffee actually does not have that big of an impact based on what I read/heard. Here is an interesting podcast on the topic:


kyoorius t1_jacyp0v wrote

Link not working, but no worries, no time to listen. I just find all this science on optimizing caffeine drug delivery kind of hilarious. I’ve seen the stuff on cortisol suggesting to wait an hour or two on waking. Not sure if that’s the same as the adenosine stuff. But I mean, it’s a drug. It’s interrupting naturally occurring cycles of cortisol no matter when you drink. It’s somehow more healthy to use coffee as a stop gap between cortisol cycles than as a multiplier during a cortisol cycle? I mean, come on.


EvolvingMind OP t1_jad1gqn wrote

In the end of the day I think it's more about trying something out and to see how it subjectively impacts yourself. No point in following some routine, even if it's anchored in research, if it doesn't have any effect on you.