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milkcowcafe OP t1_ja6fpwz wrote


LordOfTheDingi t1_ja6hssd wrote

I dare you to sit down before ordering anything and tell your server you don’t tip. Look them in the eye and tell them they don’t deserve to be able to pay their bills.


Feeling_Glonky69 t1_ja76r8i wrote

That’s not what you’d be saying though, or even implying lol

For real, how else would you recommend making restaurant owners pay a living wage, if their customers do it for them without question? Respond please.


Mezatino t1_ja78cws wrote

They’re not going to do it anyways. Unless legislation is passed to do away with Server pay, service industries will always use tipping culture to to save money.

No matter how many people stop working these jobs, someone will always pick it up because we live in a world where desperate people will always need to take what they get right now before risking their lives to get what they actually need.

So you want a real fix for the problem? Organize and lobby to your local representatives


milkcowcafe OP t1_ja6i2el wrote

I am not in the USA and I don't need to tell the server I don't tip. They already know that nobody will tip.

They pay their bills fine.


LordOfTheDingi t1_ja6ilvp wrote

Ah, okay. Judging by your post history, you’re not in a great headspace. I hope you feel better and stop taking it out on innocent people trying to provide a necessary service and make a living. I promise, life is more fun if you’re kind <3