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Bl00dc00k1e1348 t1_ja6gacl wrote

If you are a repeat customer you get shit service though. Just saying. This also happens if you tip low.


milkcowcafe OP t1_ja6gmu0 wrote

Employers should pay their employees a good wage so you can get good service too.


cweber513 t1_ja6gula wrote

You're taking it out on the employees though. If you don't agree with what the employers are doing, don't eat there.


milkcowcafe OP t1_ja6h5dq wrote

Exactly. If workers aren't getting paid properly, don't work there.


WetwareDulachan t1_ja6j2yh wrote

Are you fucking stupid or something?


phoenixdown5005 t1_ja6pbkx wrote

Seems you’re the stupid one. Don’t go to places that don’t give people good wages. You get what you tolerate. Tough concept.


Bl00dc00k1e1348 t1_ja6hx7l wrote

People with better offers do. People that don’t take what they can get.


dudeeehellogan t1_ja6ruwl wrote

I have a masters degree and still serve tables. If you want service cook and plate and present your own food at your own house goodbye


milkcowcafe OP t1_ja6w50i wrote

What do you mean? I get excellent service when I eat at restaurants. Not every restaurant in the world is in the USA.


Snugless t1_ja6h64b wrote

no one’s arguing you there, but the fact of the matter is that your tips supplement their exploitation, it sucks and it should be difficult but its not. Not tipping them only helps you, which is why you dont tip, you might sorta care for the worker and think they should be paid more by their employer, but secretly you use this an an excuse to not tip


phoenixdown5005 t1_ja6pfqx wrote

I openly use it as a reason not to tip. It certainly helps me, and I’m ok with it. My profession should be getting the most tips, but we don’t. So maybe that’s why easier for me to not tip others.


FelixVulgaris t1_ja6yje1 wrote

So you're selfish, why didn't you say that to begin with. No one would have wasted their time trying to get you to act like a decent human being if we knew that up front.


SpecificBig367 t1_ja6howt wrote

If you get good service then you tip high. If you don’t, you tip the normal amount and move on. Why is that so hard to grasp?


Nectarine_Effective t1_ja6jd9s wrote

You’d think, but that’s just not how it works. I’ve noticed service tends to be worse in places it’s not traditional to tip.. they make the same money regardless, why do anything above and beyond for you? Minimum effort makes the same money


milkcowcafe OP t1_ja6kj3j wrote

I guess there's no way of fixing this system. Employers should keep pushing for low wages.