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D_M-ack t1_ja5n3eq wrote

Have you tried AA? It’s legit the only option I’ve come across that is even halfway viable. I haven’t gone that route though, but I know all about it because I have been in 5 inpatient rehabs for drug use. I too used IV opiates, and everything else, for a long time in my past. I no longer use hard drugs, but still use weed and alcohol regularly, which keeps me feeling guilty and dirty. After halfway studying several different religious ideologies, learning about psychology, and understanding myself and the world a littler better, I have come to the conclusion that people do not magically get better or improve. They must put in some kind of honest work based on real principles.

Edit: hit reply too soon. The reason I think a 12 step program is good is because it created a great framework for improving one’s psychological health. It helps you differentiate between things you can affect and things you cannot, it helps you be connected to others with the same problem, it calls for you to write down specific things you don’t like about yourself and tell them to another person, which is scary, and it creates feedback. I hope you find what you need, good luck!