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terayonjf t1_j9ixgev wrote

You said in the comments you did this as a favor.. you aren't getting paid then unless they feel like paying you. Without an expectation, commitment and agreement to be paid prior to doing the work you don't get to be paid after the fact because you're mad.

That's why you have contracts and work out money before doing work. You aren't entitled to be paid for a favor you did for friends because the friends then took your favor and turned a profit over it. A good friend would have thrown money your way because you helped them but it doesn't seem like the people you did the favor for were good friends just friends of convenience.


Audiophile_ t1_j9iym1y wrote

This is why I'm asking for advice. I will ask to be paid, and I just wanted to know the best approach


ishootstuff t1_j9iz96d wrote

If they didn't make any money would you ask to be paid? Your first mistake was not setting your payment rates up front. You can't change the agreement now after the fact.


terayonjf t1_j9izh75 wrote

Advice would be move on because unless it's out of the kindness of their heart you aren't getting paid. They don't owe you money cause you did them a favor for free


TheTrenk t1_j9j0kai wrote

It's kinda difficult to renegotiate once the work's already done. You agreed to do it for free, it's been done, and now you're doubling back and insisting they owe you. Next time ask to be paid, either up front or in equity. Write this one off, hombre. They don't owe you anything.


ABena2t t1_j9iw68g wrote

any other details? what's your relationship with said business? how much do you feel is owed? what did they do to humiliate you? and they made 2k? profit? or gross?

think you're screwed but could but maybe I'm overlooking something? why would they pay you now? why didn't you get paid when you did the work? was money ever talked about?


Audiophile_ t1_j9iwvpv wrote

We were friends, and I did the work as a favour. The other day, the owner shamed me Infront of my friends and family - it broke my heart a little bit, but some days have passed and I'm mostly over it. I feel I would be happy with 500 for the amount of hours I put in. They made 2k gross from a food night on Saturday, so I know they have the money. They never paid me because I like to help my friends if I can. I just never brought it up, it's not in my nature to charge friends. In hindsight, I was taken advantage of, and now that the friendship is over, this money could really make a difference for me. I go sone days wondering where my next meal will be.


ishootstuff t1_j9izf7h wrote

The deal was a favour. What if you buy a can of coke today for 50c but in a year you become a millionaire... Can the shop now ask you for $10 for the can of coke?


FandomMenace t1_j9iw8b2 wrote

You probably won't get paid, but you can cease and desist them to stop using your copyrighted works. You can try to force their hand by offering them a cheaper option than replacing all that stuff by instead paying you for license to use them. I wouldn't get your hopes up; the food industry are notorious tightwads. In the future, get everything in writing and even try to get half up front, non-refundable.


Audiophile_ t1_j9ix2yi wrote

I didn't copyright. Just some creativity on my computer, and wanting to help. I dont want to cease and desist in that way, firstly because I can't afford it, and second.. what's the point? It's not gonna put food on my table


Leonarth5 t1_j9ix99o wrote

You don't "copyright" something, if you make something original you own the copyright to it, it's that simple.


FandomMenace t1_j9ixbwk wrote

Assuming you live in the U.S., whenever you create something and put it in a permanent form it is automatically copyrighted.

The threat of the cease and desist is the catalyst for getting paid. You really are going to need to brush up on copyright law, however, because if it looks like you don't know what you're talking about, this whole thing will fail.

Your only other move is to grovel and beg them for money after the fact.

If you're hungry, there should be a number of food banks that will help you in your area.


Audiophile_ t1_j9ixhlk wrote

I don't live in the US, they know I can't afford to take it to court, and..the closest food bank to me is a 1hr drive. I don't have a car. I live rurally in Europe


FandomMenace t1_j9ixn0i wrote

Gofundme or ask for help from family and friends. You have no leverage here. You need to be humble and ask for assistance.


rollskinardly t1_j9iyuo8 wrote

Get over it and chalk it up as a lesson. Don’t do favours for people and expect to be paid if that wasn’t stipulated up front.


noopenusernames t1_j9izgu2 wrote

Was there a contract? Without a contract, you’re going to have a really hard time with this. There might be some protections for you, but if you’re struggling financially, then you likely won’t be able to afford a lawyer who would been versed in this type of case anyway.

Sorry, OP, but the best advice for you might be to prepare better next time.


keepthetips t1_j9ivofb wrote

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Dusk2-0 t1_j9iwr97 wrote

Small claims court. surely


terayonjf t1_j9ixmjt wrote

Op said they did work as a favor free of charge and wants to get paid after the person they did the favor for made fun of them.. they have no case and would be wasting more money and court time doing anything but moving on with their life


Audiophile_ t1_j9ixzek wrote

I appreciate all your comments, and it feels as though luck is not on my side. Do I resort to ULPT? I live in a small village and it wouldn't be difficult to get the word out about how they've treated me. If anyone has any of those ideas, please feel free to DM me


BroccoliPrince t1_j9ixe8k wrote

I'm not a lawyer but considering there was no actual agreement between you that you'd be paid at the time you did the work... I don't know if you have a leg to stand on? As another commenter said, you could cease and desist them to stop them using your work, but as far as being paid for a job you verbally agreed to do for free? I can't see that flying.

Consult a lawyer for a definitive answer, but I think you may be shit outta luck. These things, if you don't have a contract you don't have a hope.


Audiophile_ t1_j9ixnzu wrote

I never verbally agreed to do it for free, I just was asked to help, and k did because I can use a computer for desjgn


BroccoliPrince t1_j9ixrl9 wrote

You've literally said in other comments that you did it as a favour. You agreed to do it, with no payment offered. That is agreeing to do it for free.