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terayonjf t1_j9ixgev wrote

You said in the comments you did this as a favor.. you aren't getting paid then unless they feel like paying you. Without an expectation, commitment and agreement to be paid prior to doing the work you don't get to be paid after the fact because you're mad.

That's why you have contracts and work out money before doing work. You aren't entitled to be paid for a favor you did for friends because the friends then took your favor and turned a profit over it. A good friend would have thrown money your way because you helped them but it doesn't seem like the people you did the favor for were good friends just friends of convenience.


Audiophile_ t1_j9iym1y wrote

This is why I'm asking for advice. I will ask to be paid, and I just wanted to know the best approach


ishootstuff t1_j9iz96d wrote

If they didn't make any money would you ask to be paid? Your first mistake was not setting your payment rates up front. You can't change the agreement now after the fact.


terayonjf t1_j9izh75 wrote

Advice would be move on because unless it's out of the kindness of their heart you aren't getting paid. They don't owe you money cause you did them a favor for free


TheTrenk t1_j9j0kai wrote

It's kinda difficult to renegotiate once the work's already done. You agreed to do it for free, it's been done, and now you're doubling back and insisting they owe you. Next time ask to be paid, either up front or in equity. Write this one off, hombre. They don't owe you anything.