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keepthetips t1_j8zxui5 wrote

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skav2 t1_j8zy6a5 wrote

You can directly say that you dont feel like chit chatting. Or indirectly with one word responses and seeming disinterested.


openurheartandthen t1_j8zyc1b wrote

Usually I find a way to simply excuse myself politely. Say I need to use the restroom, or tell them I need to step away for a moment. No need to give a reason. You can still be gracious in speech but tell them in a honest way you need to step out.


rustprony t1_j8zye8d wrote

Pretend you are on the phone and politely walk out the room


Saltedpirate t1_j8zz39o wrote

Stare deeply into their eyes and start picking your nose. If you have to, stick your booger picking finger in your mouth.


great_equator t1_j8zzgex wrote

Try not to expand on what they’re saying, and then validate (summarize) every single thing they just told you. “It sounds like you had a great time over vacation, going to the beach and seeing your family”

That’ll immediately tie up any conversational loose ends, and probably create a short silence (after the person says “yeah” etc.) for you to jump in with an excuse to leave.


thefourthchime t1_j8zzjaf wrote

Hey, I totally get it - sometimes you're just not in the mood to chat. It happens to all of us! If you want to avoid small talk, there are a few things you can try.

First, you can give a friendly greeting and then quickly excuse yourself. Maybe say something like "Hey, good to see you! Sorry, I gotta run."

If that doesn't work, you can always say you're busy. Like, "I wish I could chat, but I've got a ton of stuff to do right now."

Another option is to change the subject. Maybe ask them about something interesting going on in their life, or mention something you're excited about.

And if all else fails, you can just be honest and tell them you're not really in the mood to talk right now. It might be a little awkward, but at least you'll be true to yourself!

Just remember to be respectful and kind in whatever approach you take. Good luck!


Gothperception13 t1_j90012n wrote

That's a good question. I'm terrible at being subtle and usually just point blank say something like I'm sorry, but I don't really feel like conversing right now and proceed to ignore them. I'm hoping someone is able to provide some good suggestions.


HomerSimping t1_j902503 wrote

The good old phone and walk always works for me.


LuvCilantro t1_j902c12 wrote

If they ask how you are (common conversation starter), say it's been better, and that they'd probably don't want to know the details. Chances are they don't and will leave you alone.


ContemplatingFolly t1_j902f0z wrote

Listen, its been nice chatting, but will you excuse me? I need to (use the restroom/make a phone call/get this project done, etc).


infoskeptical t1_j902yz3 wrote

I always act like I'm very distracted or very busy thinking and try to avoid eye contact.


whysaddog t1_j904mbt wrote

Say, aw shit and quickly walk out of the room with your phone. If they ask later whey happened just say it turned out to be nothing


mrssymes t1_j906bjt wrote

“Well, that’s all the time I have”

No reasons mean no chance to try and change your mind or talk you out of “reason”.


MidnightFire1420 t1_j907j05 wrote

Maybe not so polite, but my resting bitch face usually works without fail….


foxpaws42 t1_j90h048 wrote

I usually tell the other person that while I'd love to chat, I have something important and time-sensitive that needs my full attention right now; mind if we chat later? For me, the important/time-sensitive part has the benefit of the truth about 8 times out of 10.


ohmynards85 t1_j91avu2 wrote

I usually say in my most redneckish voice "Olright, no more TALKIN. Back to work!"

Then walk away like a movie star from an explosion.


turtleheadmaker t1_j921pgx wrote

Politely tell them that there are times that talking isn't the best option and avoiding small talk is uncomfortable for you. Then ask how they'd like you to inform them indirectly that you want to end the conversation.

Something confusing like that should do the trick.


ChrisGeritol t1_j928x0b wrote

If someone you know is close, call them over and say "hey Bob, have you met Cindy" and walk off :)


rustprony t1_j92p0o0 wrote

Cindy would love to hear how your cat whiskers isn’t really liking the new food you got him. Poor whiskers has diarrhea because of this and isn’t making it to the kitty litter box