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zvii t1_ja3l4gb wrote

I only mean the anxiety of "am I going to get enough sleep tonight." But it really is that simple, stop caring and just let your body sleep. Or not. And if not, take the rest as good enough. Works wonders if you don't care how much sleep you get and just go to bed when you're tired and get up when you wake up.

I used to be the worst sleeper until I finally just said fuck it. Now I sleep like a baby, my head hits the pillow and I'm OUT 99% of the time. Still have those nights where I feel like I was up all night, but the next day I feel absolutely no different. Once I let go of caring about it and worrying about the next day, the entire problem disappeared.


randompersons90 t1_ja4s5kv wrote

For me it's less about AM I going to get enough sleep. Its more " I need to wake up to do -important thing- is that soon? And important thing isn't going to go away for at least another 20 years