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Whitwoc t1_j9ad7yj wrote

Burn it to the ground!

In all seriousness, as someone who likes spiders, if they’re only small, find someone in your friendship group who likes spiders, (there will be one somewhere) and exchange removal for snacks and / or booze.
If they’re massive / deadly, contact your local pest control or council.
There’s no spiders nests that are actually like concrete, you’ll probably need to send your friend for an eye test.


scarlett1263 OP t1_j9avmp6 wrote

I live in a safe zone about spiders, so nothing lethal fortunately. They're puffy and white ("like cotton" says the friend that I no longer trust lol) but hard to touch


Whitwoc t1_j9aww02 wrote

Hard? Spiders don’t normally (there’s a couple of exceptions) have hard nests. That’s normally for other things like wasps and stuff. I’d love to see a picture!


scarlett1263 OP t1_j9tf4cv wrote

Aaaand it was wasps (mason wasps) you are correct


Whitwoc t1_j9tfg9r wrote

Glad you got it sorted, and that it was a harmless wasp!