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the_original_Retro t1_j9zwqeg wrote

LPT: If you want to get punched or slapped, do that.

Betting OP never actually did this themselves, they're just advising other people to do a /r/shittylifeprotips entry.

LPT: If you want a lower probability of getting punched or slapped, ask "Pardon me, would you mind taking that off of speakerphone?", or just walk away to a different place if that's possible.


Drakoneous t1_j9zzccx wrote

Your LPT could go the other way too... Ie: if you want a lower probability of getting punched, don't have speaker phone conversations in public.


the_original_Retro t1_j9zzwwc wrote

yup. It absolutely could.


Drakoneous t1_ja006wv wrote

Honestly, I think people do this more and more because they see people on reality TV do it, not realizing they only do it so the show can listen in. It's literally the point for viewers to hear the phone call... I think when more folks put this together (not hopefully cause people are stupid) we'll see this less.


ConnieKai OP t1_j9zx7lr wrote

I did actually. They laughed, apologized, then took their phone off speaker. I imagine your approach has a lot to do with it too. I tried to make it lighthearted.


Mississimia t1_ja02ps6 wrote

I mean, there are people who are talking loudly over speakerphone who are just kind of clueless. There are also people who are intentionally doing it to show other people that they don't give a shit about them. I was on a train with someone who asked one of those guys to keep it down, and for a second I swear to god I thought I was about to see a murder. We all fled the car at the next stop. Please be careful out there.


ConnieKai OP t1_ja03rpn wrote

We require details. What happened, Lmao


ArthurDaTrainDayne t1_ja02xa8 wrote

Yeah how about just don’t engage with the obviously rude person. Rude people will probably continue to be rude when confronted


the_original_Retro t1_ja0y595 wrote

Did you read the entire comment or just lose interest halfway through before commenting?


ArthurDaTrainDayne t1_ja17892 wrote

I was agreeing with you, hence the “yeah”


the_original_Retro t1_ja1dui6 wrote

Then my apologies. Where I live, "Yeah" starting a sentence can be a satirical.

Example "yeah, let's just not do that, okay?"

I'd interpreted it as such.

"Agree." is better and far more clear. Sorry I yelled at you.


WryWaifu t1_ja0ktt0 wrote

You're assuming this person isn't already prepared to fight the person with the speakerphone due to the annoyance. An hour in a metal tube with someone screaming at their phone can change your perspective a bit.


bennygoodman90 t1_ja030j5 wrote

This just sounds like a hilarious thing to do. If one of my friends are on the phone I’ll just act like they are talking to me and I will just respond to them what they are saying and they absolutely hate it xD


Regnes t1_ja0r56w wrote

I dunno, this sounds like it's kind of begging for a fight or some sort of confrontation.

You could take out your phone and have a fake conversation right next to the person lol.


Cetun t1_ja0x5wk wrote

LPTs like these assume no crazy people exist in the world. It's the same people who are like "of someone's is being annoying on the subway just confront them". Yea sure do that if you want to enter the lotto for being featured top page on r/publicfreakout


Stoopiddogface t1_ja179cl wrote

I mean, you gotta go in expecting a fight... but some people chose violence 👋


smuglator t1_ja1e202 wrote

Choosing violence is a SLPT, not LPT.


Stoopiddogface t1_ja1h4v6 wrote

Guess that depends on your desired outcome


PM_ME_YOUR_FERNET t1_ja1herl wrote

It's a SLPT. Nobody's desired outcome is catching a case. Or tripping and getting a concussion. Street fights are lame shit.


smuglator t1_ja1lj8i wrote

Desiring violence is just stupid every single time. Always.


PM_ME_YOUR_FERNET t1_ja1ouud wrote

Disagree, I'd give my left nut to throttle my last boss. I just wouldn't go to prison for it. Or risk my personal health.

My last day there, I realized I could burn the place down. I saw there for almost 10 minutes considering it. And that, kids, is how you know you need to quit without notice.


smuglator t1_ja1q542 wrote

You make a really good case for just how stupid violence is.


PM_ME_YOUR_FERNET t1_ja1r3bo wrote

That's my point lol


smuglator t1_ja1r9k7 wrote

And yet you say you disagree with violence being stupid..


PM_ME_YOUR_FERNET t1_ja1svdd wrote

It is. Wanting violence is natural after a certain point, but throwing away something precious in your life to smack some idiot around (or possibly get smacked around yourself) is just stupid.


TheBoBiss t1_ja1nb2h wrote

Someone talking loudly on speaker phones in public are the exact people that will punch you in the face if you pull some shit like this.


DaveyTheBoxFratelli t1_ja46qct wrote

Yeah i’d imagine the person on the phone would unironically yell something like “MIND YOUR DAMN BUSINESS”


TropicalRogue t1_ja2siqg wrote

I've done this, and I told the person on the phone all about the rude jackass on speakerphone. I made a point to be audible and loquacious but polite and not SUPER insulting. Just making fun of him for bad manners and situational unawareness.

When dude noticed and started to say something like "hey, fuck yo-" I just made a cartoonishly animated show of covering the phone mic, holding it away, and like a rabid weird Al yankovic screamed "IM ON THE PHONE!" At him with the "just a minute" gesture.

I think I outcrazied him, because he did not opt to continue our interaction. He also didn't continue his phone call, but I'm pretty sure it just made everybody else more uncomfortable than if I'd not tried to intervene.


CokeMooch t1_ja0elcf wrote

Are you Larry David?


yogert909 t1_ja3lk5l wrote

Those types of people are so narcissistic they’ll just get annoyed and tell you to mind your business.


Binknbink t1_ja1dk6b wrote

My BIL was trying to nap on the ferry and a lady was loudly having a speakerphone convo, so he started singing “Uptown Girl” by Billy Joel as loud as he could. Including all the oh, oh, oh parts. That seemed to do the trick.


yamaha2000us t1_ja0eykn wrote

How about.

Excuse me sir. That is a bit loud.


glenmcfarreddit t1_ja0w8hb wrote

'Hello mum'. My classic goto for interrupting a phone call that I'm not involved in.


Xethinus t1_ja2w5te wrote

"Yes, and the business accounts can be relocated to company assets so that-"


"Oh, your daughter says hi."

(From the phone) "hi Donna! It's nice to hear from you!"


Nosexuskitty t1_ja15m6l wrote

If they are doing it in the bathroom, flush the toilet until they leave.


feelOfSomethingNew t1_ja3y0zf wrote

I go with aggressive shitting. Make sure the folks on the other end get a real earful.


revuhlution t1_ja16rmk wrote

OP lives in la-la land, where there are no crazy or aggressive people in public places.


ConnieKai OP t1_ja180ml wrote

Or maybe I am the crazy and aggressive person. ;)


LambSauce666 t1_ja0lgrd wrote

Yeah no. I guarantee you’ve never done this


Agong85 t1_ja0hyzf wrote

That is great advice if you love to get stabbed.


qsaramateaskira t1_ja0nv9f wrote

This is how black eyes happen. Could be a SLPTip too


weissmanhyperion t1_ja110wh wrote

Just start moaning and they'll turn it off real quick.


SayeretJoe t1_ja0scc6 wrote

Yeah… I believe you will get your ass kicked…


LesterBanks t1_ja1aiy0 wrote

I did that. Felt so good. The whole bus was right there with me. It took 2 or 3 minutes. I said so many ridiculous things to loud phone guy.


SnooCauliflowers3851 t1_ja0yuq5 wrote

It's so annoying! But yeah, lots of crazy people out there now. Not only do I hate people shopping around while on speakerphone set to max, but the increasing number of people I see in cars having video calls (or texting) while driving. You can see a person on their window mounted phone, driver staring/talking to them. Speakerphone in car, hold your phone up to your ear in public places, if necessary.


the_pandax t1_ja12ymj wrote

Sounds like a good way to get your ass beat. Wouldn't recommend this. There are a lot of crazy assholes out there.


[deleted] t1_ja1300l wrote

Coworkers used to put the phone on speaker when trying to activate windows keys in computers. It would happen where keys had to many activations they said so we would have to go through and automated process. Anyways. When it was reading back the like 20 characters code we would all start yelling, what or repeat, then the code would start over from the beginning. I still have no idea why people continued to put their phones on speaker when they did this because there were about 5 of us and we all did it to each other


Empire2k5 t1_ja1o5zr wrote

I just fart loudly as I walk by.


Idk_whats_real t1_ja3li41 wrote

Don’t do this if you live somewhere where people regularly carry guns


keepthetips t1_j9zw3w8 wrote

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WHSKYJCK t1_ja0g5o4 wrote

Devils advocate here, what’s the difference having a conversation with another person in present company vs on speakerphone?


Astranoth t1_ja0hdrj wrote

People having a conversation in real life seems to be able to adjust their volume compared to people on speaker phones. Not only is the voice from the phone much louder, most people talk louder into the phone then their normal volume


jtho78 t1_ja0tciw wrote

People think talking on the speaker phone is normal because reality shows require it to capture both sides of the conversation. It should only be used in public, between 2 people, or if the receiver is hard of hearing. Otherwise, it’s just rude.

edit: grammar


OrginalPeach t1_ja0j2nk wrote

Yeah my neighbour tried this but I wasn’t using a speaker. She was just trying to be annoying. It didn’t work on me.


WhoeverThisDudeIs t1_ja0jkd4 wrote

Hello sir/madamz sorry to interrupt, can you please not use the speaker? Thanks.


Vanishingf0x t1_ja0vr28 wrote

My coworker and I got in trouble cause we’d do this at work when someone would walk up to the register. Especially if they asked us to wait.


j_knolly t1_ja16pty wrote

And get punched in the face. Real pro tip !


Sofarbeyondfucked t1_ja1a92s wrote

This works.

Clearly annoyed look, “I’m gonna have to call you back.”


Sofarbeyondfucked t1_ja1aa1v wrote

This works.

Clearly annoyed look, “I’m gonna have to call you back.”


Beautiful-Page3135 t1_ja1jiwn wrote

Last year at the state fair we kept having people shove between myself and my fiancee. Every time they said "Sorry" I fired back "Don't be sorry, just don't fucking do it."

The looks I got were priceless. Like they were just saying they were sorry automatically, and hadn't actually registered they were impeding others' lives until I made them aware.


Megatron2001 t1_ja250r8 wrote

Annoying as hell!!! I definitely wanna try joining in but in Oakland, I may run the risk of being shot. 🥴


Crypt_hoe_Bobby t1_ja2fvtx wrote

Just ignore them and start playing music loudly on your phone too and if they say something act oblivious and say “oh sorry, I forgot it’s rude to have a phone this loud.”


Flowofinfo t1_ja2yyyy wrote

This will end in an altercation just about as many times as it may actually work


bitqueso t1_ja35c07 wrote

This isn’t a pro tip


zoomthang t1_ja3ce7p wrote

LPT: if someone’s hearing aids link to their phone it might look like they’re talking on speakerphone in public, but they’re not. So make 100% sure you’re not about to harass a disabled person before you do this.


blahblahlablah t1_ja3qy1h wrote


It really irritates me when people are on speaker even in public areas. It irritates me so much that I try to figure out why I'm irritated and aside from the trebly sound and stupid look of it, I can't come up with a great reason.

If I'm at a bar, or airport, or coffee shop what is the difference of someone on speakerphone talking to a friend and someone talking to a friend that's sitting on the other side of the table? Is it principle? I hate it!


ConnieKai OP t1_ja3trcq wrote

No it has to do with the volume. People usually talk extra loud on speakerphone and have the volume up extra loud. It's distracting to the ear versus hearing two people talking next to you.

I also remember reading once that scientists tried to study why we also find people who talk on the phone in public annoying. I remember them determining it had to do with our brain not liking only hearing one side of a conversation. I think it's just because people never talk with the same volume on the phone as in person. They are regulating their volume for someone who is not there and it rarely jives with ambient noise in the space they are in.


wtfnewby t1_ja42m8q wrote

Babsically where Im from they never speak any language I know so joining in on their conversation is difficult cause they either speak arabic or turkic


mercanator t1_ja43so4 wrote

oo out⁷7⁷⁸8899ir


JimmDunn t1_ja48g21 wrote

i try to get the info and use it.

one time i overheard a call about someone picking up some chemical tanks. i had enough to go to the location and pretend to be the guy supposed to pick them up. I was almost going to do it, but then i forgot about the loser by the time i was in my car.


sleepingnightmare t1_ja4fi72 wrote

The last time someone was talking on speaker by me, my SO and I were having a meal at a quiet restaurant. I put my music on some heavy metal and cranked up the speaker after about 10 min, then said to the guy “It’s really hard to carry on a normal conversation with such a loud distraction right next to you, isn’t it?”


Claireoux t1_ja4ydj8 wrote

Hahahaha I actually wanna try this.


LoomisKnows t1_ja4zwwa wrote

I do thins to people in bathrooms 3:)


stitics t1_ja5bjbf wrote

I think it'd be funnier to take out a notepad and stare at them and "take notes".


ShoeHoles t1_ja6q68n wrote

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. How are you going to live it?


Ok_Computer_1979 t1_ja0104j wrote

You risk being shot, if you live in the U.S.


ConnieKai OP t1_ja0157s wrote

Valid critique. I live in the US. At this point merely going outside to check the mail risks you getting shot.


RepresentativeNo7660 t1_ja0ckgp wrote

You go outside to check your mail? Lol I have a mail slot that goes directly into my house.


DroolingSlothCarpet t1_j9zxubi wrote

How's a person with a phone, the other party on speaker, any different than two people being side by side?

I mean, I think what they're doing is stupid but, do tell.


Drakoneous t1_j9zzgl6 wrote

Speaker phone volume frequency tends to be sharper and more easily heard by folks around you.


Iwonatoasteroven t1_ja0nmj0 wrote

I’ve noticed that often these people are really loud. Much louder than they would be when on earbuds on using the handset.


ConnieKai OP t1_j9zxxwd wrote

Volume. It really depends on the situation. I totally hear you though.