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dilligaf6304 t1_ja170ck wrote

Ear plugs combined with noise canceling headphones


OldLadyT-RexArms t1_ja2hidw wrote

Exactly this. Every time I have surgery, my family agrees to be my caretakers. I had to recently sleep on my mother's couch for a week after my last double carpal tunnel surgeries. My little sister and her fiancé stayed up til 5am every night, giggling and listening to music and playing video games. Using this method I basically couldn't hear them. Add on a running fan and put a weighted eye mask on and I conked out quickly.


leader_of_penguins t1_ja3cr74 wrote

Learning how to insert earplugs correctly makes them work 10x better. This combined with over the ear nose cancelling headphones is the best combo that I've found so far.

You pull up on your outer ear a little to straighten the ear canal, then roll the earplug between your fingers to squish it and make it narrow, insert it, and hold it there for a second until it inflates slightly and stays put.

The classic, flat 3M earplugs also work much better than the fancier-looking bullet shape ones


[deleted] t1_ja2jx80 wrote

cant be worn for long earplugs stretch and headphones crush your hear will be painfull after like 2 hours


nhorvath t1_ja33uty wrote

Over ear headphones are more comfortable for long duration use than on ear headphones.


dilligaf6304 t1_ja4bpfw wrote

Find headphones that are comfy for your head. I can wear my Bode QC 35II for hours and hours with no discomfort.

Which ear plugs stretch? I have flare audio minis and they don’t stretch. Also have Loop quiet & experience pro which also don’t stretch.