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BlueberrieHaze t1_jadsnot wrote

My gmail address has always had a couple periods in it, because they don't allow underscores. Are you telling my that if I took them out, the mail would still go to me?


billythornbobton t1_jadtwut wrote

Yes. Gmail ignores dots before the @. You can have as many dots as you want in your username, or none


TyrionTheTyrannous t1_jadvcjj wrote

That's news to me lol. Mine has 2 dots before the @ lol


Taikey t1_jaer96w wrote

Yep, Gmail is also not case sensitive


neozeio t1_jaeur2r wrote

Mine too, back when I created my email I just thought they were a special character like many others... it's caused me some headaches as my email now is sometimes accused of being invalid.