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theannotator t1_jadp8d6 wrote

You can also add a + tag inline such as email and it will be auto labeled.


zxroKKR t1_jadt5lq wrote

I do this when using my email to sign up for anything. I add the name of what I'm signing up for. Helps me identify what websites have sold my info, and to whom.


stephenmg1284 t1_jaduahb wrote

Some data brokers filter those out. Use an email alias forwarding service such as SimpleLogin. Bonus is you can turn off that email box if it gets sold and no longer receive email.


theannotator t1_jadvxwf wrote

Proton, the now dead helm, and other email providers who aren’t google provide catch all or wildcard addresses for a low fee. It’s not easy for the non tech savvy, but if you are then it’s trivial to configure.


-DementedAvenger- t1_jaeu23x wrote

> Proton, the now dead helm



theannotator t1_jaey7kd wrote Helm used to be a turnkey self hosted email service. Proton is a privacy focused (still work with LE for criminal investigations) email service.


-DementedAvenger- t1_jaeyia9 wrote

Oohhh, I thought you were calling Proton a “dead helm”, not just naming another service. Got it.

Yeah I wish Helm survived. I was so close to pulling that trigger when it was announced.


theannotator t1_jaezmxs wrote

I had the V1 from very early days. It wasn’t flawless but it was easy enough to use for my spouse, and worked with most email clients which proton does not.


zxroKKR t1_jadx21u wrote

Good to know, I was not aware of that. I usually use a spam email address anyway, but it's nice to have options.


Constant_Chicken_408 t1_jae6863 wrote

Wait, so my gmail address--the one I registered with--is firstname.lastname; does this mean that anything addressed to firstnamelastname (without the period) will still route to me? It must, right?

Eta: I appreciate all the useful info! For ages I've kept the same three active gmail accounts: one personal, one business/"official", and one for subscriptions, lists, throw-away sign-ups, etc. The lines are starting to blur, though; these tips will help reorganize. Thanks everyone.


timebend995 t1_jae90b8 wrote

Yes. So you could sign up for websites using either iteration, you’ll receive emails all the same. But I would recommend sticking with one to sign up for websites or you’ll have to play the “which one is my sign in address” game like me.


stephenmg1284 t1_jaefn86 wrote

Use a password manager. Bitwarden integrates with services such as SimpleLogin to create an alias and forward the email. I use one called SimpleLogin.


Mrincognito1 t1_jaepupw wrote

I have firstname.lastname but frequently get emails for firstnamelastname or Is the other person using the incorrect address or does it sometimes go through?


Atalyita t1_jaf0a40 wrote

Same! I created my email as first ame.lastname and There’s three other people who use firstnamelastname. One from from my own country but different state, one from the UK, and one from Australia. The foreign get doctor appointment reminders fairly often. Why aren’t they missing them?


Maplelongjohn t1_jaf1bvy wrote

Yeah I frequently get emails to some other address without the . I have in my address.

This silliness is no doubt why


BlueberrieHaze t1_jadsnot wrote

My gmail address has always had a couple periods in it, because they don't allow underscores. Are you telling my that if I took them out, the mail would still go to me?


billythornbobton t1_jadtwut wrote

Yes. Gmail ignores dots before the @. You can have as many dots as you want in your username, or none


TyrionTheTyrannous t1_jadvcjj wrote

That's news to me lol. Mine has 2 dots before the @ lol


Taikey t1_jaer96w wrote

Yep, Gmail is also not case sensitive


neozeio t1_jaeur2r wrote

Mine too, back when I created my email I just thought they were a special character like many others... it's caused me some headaches as my email now is sometimes accused of being invalid.


Tallproley t1_jaf2b0k wrote

Jokes in you.

My email is

But another tall proley is

Gmail doesn't interpret his properly so I get stuff.

For example, one tall proley works as a state prosecutor in the DAs office. I get case briefings and asked for trial strategy inputs. I am not American, nor am I lawyer. I clarify this point usually after demanding the death penalty for DUI charges.

Another tall proley has a GNC membership, I know his points balance. Haven't tried password retrieval.

Last week, I got an email from snapchat regarding a login from a new device. I haven't used snapchat in a decade. But it had a link to change my password if the login wasn't me.

So I clicked it in case my old account had been breached. I set a random new password, and it logged me in. As I' sure you can guess, it was not my snapchat.

My Gmail explodes with snapchat emails: forgotten password, forgotten password, password change request, boom boom boom boom, customer service reaching out to help, forgotten password, etc...

About 20 minutes later I guess he set up two factor authentication to a mobile number.

So beware.


blankgazez t1_jaf242k wrote

You can also change @gmail to @googlemail


mazzzzalean t1_jady7jy wrote

I use this to sign up for anything that you use once and never need again but there are many uses. The email only lasts 10 minutes but the account will stay. Some websites won't allow this domain though. I mostly use it for free ebook downloads that need emails. Cheers to limiting what data corporations can steal from you.


froid_san t1_jadsst5 wrote

same inbox? which one? or both of them will get the email? Isn't that kinda a security risk?


Tiny_Ad5242 t1_jadu5py wrote

Same inbox, not a security risk, you see which version the email was sent to


Tricky-Tie3167 t1_jae3i2w wrote

How do I change my email adress but keep the same google account I’m sick of all the spam emails my email has got leaked in data breaches and it’s so fucked up now.


stephenmg1284 t1_jaeggbx wrote

You kind of need to start over. When you do, use a Forwarded Email Alias service. They generate a random email address and forward it to your main account. The one I like is called SimpleLogin, and it integrates with Bitwarden Password Manager. The tip the OP posted and using + addresses some data brokers filter out.


Tricky-Tie3167 t1_jaekekk wrote

Problem is I’m linked to a lot of accounts with this google account I have and I have 2fa active so iv never been hacked but I get so many phishing emails that don’t get filtered to spam.


Tiny_Ad5242 t1_jae63dh wrote

Too late for that, it’s a preventative measure going forward - don’t give you your main email and chastise anyone who uses it without permission


LotharVw t1_jaelnb4 wrote

So if I signed up using first.last@ and someone else by chance uses firstlast@, would they end up going to the same email or would they get an error when trying to set that up?


Buckeye-1234 t1_jaetudc wrote

The second user, trying to sign up for firstlast@ should get an unavailable error from Google when they try to register that account.


keepthetips t1_jadoxsi wrote

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xmerkinx t1_jaeccgf wrote

Yes someone from Cleveland did that to my email. I get Cleveland related discounts and coupons.


holly-mistletoe t1_jaeo7rs wrote

Just tried it.Didnt work.Or maybe I'm not understanding.Original email: "".Extra . version"". Sent at the same time.Only original arrived in inbox.


iZian t1_jaewpou wrote

Yeah the issue there is not spelling gmail right


shontsu t1_jaet2jx wrote

Oh interesting. I new about appending with +, but not about this.


Usmellnicebby t1_jaejb6q wrote

Wow this is very useful. Thank you