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Sbatio t1_iutz9bk wrote

Lowell is awesome and no matter what part you consider there is a diversity of cost in housing you won’t find else where in the region. (Mansions next to regular housing next to tiny cottages)

The public schools are good and safe until High School then it’s a little rough but that’s partly a function of it being the largest high school in the state. Their academically advanced program gets kids into the Ivy League.

Unchanging Reasons Lowell is uniquely stable financially:

  1. ⁠⁠UMASS Lowel is never leaving and continues to make HUGE financial investments and improvements to the city.
  2. ⁠⁠It’s a National Park, that’s never changing and protects the beauty / history of the city. Also more guaranteed money.
  3. ⁠⁠Medical Infrastructure, as rural hospitals continue to close and have poor outcomes the city’s hospitals continue to grow and expand.
  4. ⁠⁠District Court House isn’t exciting but having it here draws money into the economy.

And! Location Location Location:

a. At the intersection of 93, 495, RT-3 and lesser main roads.

b. At the end of the Commuter Rail to Boston.

c. 35-50 minutes to the beach.

d. 5 miles to tax free NH

e. 35–50 minutes to Boston Logan

f. 4 hours from Lower Manhattan if you leave at the right time. (Closer to NYC than Boston is.)

g. 15 minutes to the closest ski mountain.

h. Vandenberg Esplanade along the Merrimack River. (Beach, boating, fishing, exercise, and beauty.)

It’s also a diverse and integrated city. It’s so rare! Everyone living mixed up together, people from all over the world. There is huge value to kids raised in this city.

There is no place like it!!

Things to do in Lowell by me, Sbatio the Mod


vtjohnhurt t1_iuu6sni wrote

> It’s also a diverse and integrated city. It’s so rare! Everyone living mixed up together, people from all over the world. There is huge value to kids raised in this city.

This is a huge value to me a grownup without kids. The walkability makes it a very healthy place for me to live.


wissahickon_schist t1_iuuebmp wrote

Unless LHS has changed dramatically in the past 20 years since I left Lowell, which might be the case- when I was there (class of 03) the hugeness of the school was far from a liability. The state at least used to give a lot of great funding. I was offered a full ride to Phillips Exeter, Bishop Guertin and Lowell Catholic and chose LHS for Show Choir and the Communications Academy. Did a concentration in photography in the CommAcad and have now been a moderately successful commercial photographer for 10+ years.

Again it’s been a long time, but my experience at LHS as a borderline-“gifted” queer white guy with mild ADHD was the best I could’ve hoped for. Coming from Franco and two years at Wang, LHS introduced me to different cultures and religions, and allowed me to safely explore my identity with very few negative experiences.