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Dr_ThunderMD OP t1_j1votpl wrote

Reply to comment by Theabird in Road Salt by Dr_ThunderMD

It's honestly awful all throughout Mass, but I'm looking to start bringing about awareness to the problem.

Our tax dollars pay for roads, which are then destroyed by our tax paid salt and road workers, then our tax dollars pay for the new roads, and on and on.

It's a viscous cycle of a money pit that burdens the tax payer, when our local government should be looking for safer alternatives.

Sure, salt is cheap as hell, but there is certainly a cost/benefit factor that is being ignored here.

My question is, what costs the tax payer more?

  • Paying to repave roads, repair our cars, and treat our land that deteriorated at an accelerated rate due to cheap road salt?
  • Using a significantly less corrosive ice melt substance (at higher cost than salt), but preserving and extending the life of our roads, cars, and environment?

Theabird t1_j1vpbu6 wrote

It's a worthwhile goal I don't disagree I'd honestly prefer we switch to sand and tire chains