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RudeRoman OP t1_j7yb8j5 wrote

Unfortunately not, Jackson st CVS pharmacy had a really low stock of 30 mg but no 20. They said that they get stock pretty randomly so it’s hard to tell when they’ll have it again. The pharmacist told me I should talk to my doc about either switching meds or upping the dosage to deal with the shortage bc 30mg seems to be slightly more common. In the mean time, I also tried emailing manufacturers that are listed as having available product on the FDA drug shortage website for a list of pharmacies they provide to in the area. however I’ve tried over half the pharmacies they gave me with no luck so I don’t think it’s accurate. At this point I might just give up 😭


InfiniteBrendan t1_j7zal9s wrote

So i ended up finding a CVS (acton) that had 10mg xr. I usually get 3x20mg ir, so i called and had my doctor change my script to 6x10mg xr I called 40+ cvs yesterday. Maybe 15 walgreens. Every single cosco in the state. And a few walmarts. Nowhere had them. If you get lucky you can find a nice pharmacy tech at cvs, who will check their computer for nearby cvs that have adderall in stock. That's how I found out about the acton cvs. But she told me that there wasn't anywhere within a 20 mile radius with any adderall ir in stock as of yesterday afternoon.

This is madness. Each month it gets harder and harder. Tevs said March 2023 would mark the end of the shortage. But I'm dubious.


RudeRoman OP t1_j8ic7ed wrote

Thank you so much for the info! I’m def gonna try and switch my dosage as that seems the most promising solution. As for the shortage, I agree I don’t see it ending anytime soon. Normally Massachusetts dodges these types of things bc we have so much pharma/medical industry here. So to have it hit us this hard is not a good sign remotely