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PassionatePossum t1_jb0xvdo wrote

Thanks. I'm a sucker for this kind of research: Take a simple technique and evaluate it thoroughly, varying one parameter at a time.

It often is not as glamourous as some of the applied stuff. But IMHO these papers are a lot more valuable. With all the applied research papers, all you know in the end that someone had better results. But nobody knows where these improvements actually came from.


deekaire t1_jb1jd2i wrote

Great comment 👍


askljof t1_jb4bkf0 wrote

Amazing reply 🤝


speyside42 t1_jb425d4 wrote

A good mixture is key. Independent applied research will show whether the claims of slight improvements hold in general. A counter example where "this kind of research" has failed us are novel optimizers.


PassionatePossum t1_jb4977c wrote

Agreed. Sometimes theoretical analysis doesn't transfer to the real world. And sometimes it is also valuable to see a complete system. Because the whole training process is important.

However, since my days in academia are over, I am much less interested in getting the next 0.5% of performance out of some benchmark dataset. In industry you are way more interested in a well-working solution that you can produce quickly instead of the best-performing solution. So, I am way more interested in a tool set of ideas that generally work well and ideally a knowledge of what the limitations are.

And yes, while papers about applications can provide practical validation of these ideas, very few of these papers conduct proper ablation studies. And in most cases it is also too much to ask. Pretty much any application is a complex system with an elaborate pre-processing and training procedure. You cannot practically evaluate the influence of every single step and parameter. You just twiddle around with the parameters you deem to be most important and that is your ablation study.