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jobeta t1_jb3hh74 wrote

This is cool and I haven’t finished reading it yet but, intuitively, isn’t that roughly equivalent to have a higher learning rate in the beginning? You make the learning algorithm purposefully imprecise at the beginning to explore quickly the loss landscape and later on, once a rough approximation of a minimum has been found, you are able to explore more carefully to look for a deeper minimum or something? Like the dropout introduces noise doesn’t it?


Delacroid t1_jb4c3xt wrote

I don't think so. If you look at the figure and check the angle between whole dataset backprop and minibatch backprop, increasing the learning rate wouldn't change that angle. Only the scale of the vectors.

Also, dropout does not (only) introduce noise, it prevents coadaptation of neurons. In the same way that in random forest each forest is trained on a subset on the data (bootstrapping I think it's called) the same happens for neurons when you use dropout.

I haven't read the paper but my intuition says thattthe merit of dropout for early stages of training could be that the bootstrapping is reducing the bias of the model. That's why the direction of optimization is closer to the whole dataset training.