Submitted by doctorjuice t3_11kcpye in MachineLearning

I have around 6 YoE doing MLE full time work for various companies. I've recently started doing Machine Learning contract work for clients.

Recently, I submitted a post here asking for advice on how to get started. Because of that helpful post, I have started getting clients for ML contract work, set up some basics, and I'm now asking directly: Is anyone here looking for ML contract work to be done or know of any resources to find such leads?

My main ideas for outreach is to post on forums such as this one, but also through LinkedIn networks, through servers such as Slack and Discord, and other places.

If anyone has other ideas on good ways to do outreach, please let me know. Thanks for your help!



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BreakingCiphers t1_jb6o4fb wrote

Have you tried platforms like Upwork? I had a lot of success on it 3 years ago


edunuke t1_jb6uta5 wrote

We currently have a client in the insurance industry that will need MLE work specially in the mlops side of things.

Send me an inbox if it's of interest.


doctorjuice OP t1_jb6yzmv wrote

Yes I think this is a good idea, and have thought some about advertising. Will this give relevant enough, high quality leads though? Somehow, a lot of the time random connections, networking, forum talking, etc have lead to some of the best, high quality leads.

I worry that advertising will either

  1. lead to too small a conversion rate or 2) the leads will be too irrelevant, low quality, low paying, etc

PM_ME_ENFP_MEMES t1_jb73ky6 wrote

Well yeah it’s like dealing with any tradesman, some will be as reliable as a used car salesman and some will be superstars who’ll make you a billionaire within a decade; and the rest lie somewhere on a spectrum between both extremes. Shop around, speak to 5-10 and choose the one who’s vision and ethos aligns with you and your goals. The good ones aren’t cheap but if they’re bringing in business, then their fee is simply a cost of doing business. How they bring in clients for you is their business. You literally don’t need to worry about it, like using an appliance. If they don’t bring in paying clients, then dump them and try another. It’s such a competitive field that you’re bound to find suitable guys to deal with.

As far as word of mouth referrals go, they’ll be best of course but if you have too much work already this way, then you’ll obviously not need to advertise :)

Regardless, if you’re wanting to grow this business long term regardless of whether it’s part time or full time, I suggest studying up on entrepreneurship, advertising, sales, and related topics. Even free courses online can be helpful here, but your local government almost certainly runs courses for guys like you. Definitely worth looking into.


kinghankthedog t1_jb7bfsr wrote

Do you have a website and/or a summary of what work you’ve done?


z_fi t1_jb7ihpk wrote

I’m on a career break, but I was as of December running the AI division of a consulting company.

I will say that finding part time or short term work is very hard. Longer term contract work is relatively easy.

most companies are struggling with the basics - data engineering, data analytics… maybe data science, but with data science you have to be able to talk to the c-suite well and without an mba the lingo is a little hard.

Machine learning projects often require a lot more time to deliver (beyond a proof of concept, and pocs don’t make money) and generally a team rather than an individual, and wayy more stakeholder support than you can muster

Usually ML projects require a lot of data which often puts you into a larger sized business which makes it very difficult to navigate as a freelancer…. You probably need to be in their system when it comes to invoicing and such and so you need to have your ducks in a row where most freelancers don’t. Freelancers, in general, succeed with smaller businesses.

Ignore anyone suggesting upwork.

One avenue I’d recommend is having an honest conversation with consulting company recruiters about what you’re looking for. Stay 1099 or do corp 2 corp. they’ll want you to come on as w2 but be a firm no. Generally these recruiters are looking for easy money and so are you. It’s definitely possible to make a meaningful business relationships here though at your level of seniority you might now know how to play the game at first


ispeakdatruf t1_jb7k2qi wrote

Are you currently employed at a FAANG Co. and looking for side gigs? As in moonlighting? Or are you interested in taking the leap from a 9-to-5 gig to full-time freelancing?


deephugs t1_jb7vqn2 wrote

Having done ML consulting work through Upwork, my experience is the rate on Upwork is really low compared to what you can get through networks, especially remote Bay Area work. Most Upwork seems to be short timelines, small payouts, and competing against low cost international talent. Any tips for Upwork you can suggest?


murrdpirate t1_jb7xg74 wrote

Yeah I think the issues you mention are probably pretty true. As a client, I'm often restricted to using US freelancers, so my experience may not be typical. But I have often found that experts are generally worth their higher rates.


alphasystem t1_jb87u6x wrote

Similar background, a group of FAANG ML Engineers, looking for contract work. Have had a few clients before...


Melodic_Stomach_2704 t1_jb8iql9 wrote

Here with 3 + YOE in ML. If you need some manpower, count me in. I'm also looking forward to such opportunities.


prettyyyyprettyygood t1_jb8lhxo wrote

I was thinking a few years back about starting an ML-specific freelancing website with a focus on quality freelancers + clients. Maybe now is the time...


Top-Avocado-2564 t1_jb8lzcv wrote

DM me , f500 company with lots of interesting ML projects. Let's talk


BogBodySalad t1_jb96vut wrote

I'm in the same boat as you (MLE, lots of work exp incl. in a US AI startup, just started freelancing journey). Here are some more client acquisition/marketing ideas:

  • Have a popular open-source project (ML related) on github (takes time)
  • Content marketing: Write articles/blog posts and promote those on LN
  • Give talks on conferences/meetup
  • Find established freelancers and ask to be a subcontractor
  • Chase prospects on LN (e.g. identify a niche like "YC startup founders" follow them and engage in a conservation.

everyone: pm me if you want to connect on LN (or if you have a project for me 🤗)


Few_Pangolin4015 t1_jba7yg0 wrote

Hey, I'm a MLE, with ~3yrs exp looking for some private work I can do on the side - evenings and weekends. DM and let's connect on LN.


NickSinghTechCareers t1_jbb71l9 wrote

This won’t work. Ads is solid for something easily purchasable for low dollar amounts, like a new gadget or fitness supplement. Selling a technical consulting service requires a ton of trust, which you get by networking, content marketing, speaking at conferences, etc.


PM_ME_ENFP_MEMES t1_jbdwd0h wrote

You’d be surprised, people who purchase services like this are targeted by advertising just as much as people buying commodity items.

If anything, this thread proves that these guys aren’t advertising enough with so many “DM me, I need guys like you” style comments.


hpoddar2810 t1_jbo8i4l wrote

Hi, I am an MLE with 1.5 YOE. I am also looking for some side gig. Hit me up if anyone needed.