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londons_explorer t1_jbdrv43 wrote

What do you have to dedicate to this?

Time? Money? How much of each?

If it's just your time, I would start with hobby/kit robotics stuff, perhaps remote controlled (ie. Nothing smart) and show it doing dental work on plastic models of teeth with real tools. Then make a YouTube channel about your work, successes and failures.

That YouTube channel will hopefully get the next generation interested in actually doing the task properly.

If you have serious money to dedicate to the cause, I would try to start a startup, hiring a robotics expert, and someone who has previously worked in the medical devices field (there are soooooo many laws - navigating the legal landscape is probably trickier than making a robot do a filling). Obviously you should also go get VC funding wherever possible, but by putting in a chunk of your own money that will be far easier.